----------------------------------------------------------------- >>> RANDSEEN MANIFEST <<< ----------------------------------------------------------------- Finally, here it is !!! The Program that will give you all the DOOM scenarios you ever dreamt about. Written by Frank Patxi (gridfjs@aau.dk) RANDSEEN is a small random DOOM I scenario generator that uses various labyrinth algorithms to generate DOOM levels for YOUR pleasure. The generator include: * Userdefined room types including - Wall texture - Ceiling texture - Floor textures - Room height - Light level - Minimum room area - Maximum room area * Userdefined Wickeliness (labyrinth percentage). * Userdefined Number of enemies * Userdefined Number of bonuses (medkits, ammo etc) * Userdefined Degree of decorations (candels, barrels etc). * Three KEY-levels (You have to find the three keys to complete the levels). * Difficulty level support (except deathmatch). And a lot more, see for yourself. Uploaded to ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames/incoming