WAD Concatenater v0.6 - By Matthew Ayres (author of WADED) Merge WADs with this small little utility. Ever create a bunch of maps and wish you could save them all in one .WAD file? Also capable of renumbering episodes and maps. Version 0.6 works with Doom 1, Doom 2, and Heretic WADs. Since WADED had no ability to save multiple maps in a WAD, I created this little utility (in about 1 hour). My original intention was to support this concept in WADED, however I knew it would be easier to create a small utility like this much faster. People have been asking for this feature for some time now. I'm not even sure now if I'll include this feature in WADED, since it's probably easier just to use this utility. Using this utility is quite simple. Run it and follow the instructions. Even if all the single map WADs you created were saved as E1M1, you can renumber them as WADCAT creates the multi-map output file. WADCAT is FreeWare. All I ask is that you use WADED, and register it if you like it. :) For more support, call the Lithium BBS (510-455-0425).