wtex43sc.zip - source code for WinTex 4.3 This archive was sent to me by Olivier Montanuy on 1999-08-24. The most recent file in the archive is dated 1996-08-18. The licence terms are unspecified. On 1999-08-24, Olivier wrote : GPL pour Deutex/DeuSf, pas de probleme. Pour WinTex ca serait bien, mais comme il est fortement lie a Visual Basic (3.0, obsolete, impossible a se procurer) c'est sans interet. English translation : I have no problem with releasing DeuTex/DeuSF under the GPL. Doing the same with WinTex would be good but pointless as it's strongly tied to Visual Basic 3.0 which is obsolete and unvailable. Please contact Olivier directly for licence-related questions : http://perso.wanadoo.fr/montanuy/ PRINT CHR$(79) "livier.Montanu" CHR$(121) CHR$(8 * 8) "wanadoo.fr" -- Andre Majorel 2005-09-07