[SCENE] E2M8: At one end of one side of the arena is a Cyberdemon disconsolately tossing rockets. At the other end is a green Marine with yellow glowing eyes and a huge grin plastered across his face. The Marine is firing BFG blasts at the Cyberdemon.] [The Cyberdemon looks down to hear a hiss from nearby over the din. Standing behind one of the columns is a Former Trooper carrying a large box. The Cyber ducks behind the pillar.] Cyberdemon: Damn Marines. most of them are either too good or use the cheats, the rest are so useless they can't beat the Barons on E1M8. Trooper: Yeah, it's a real dog. Here, gimme that arm. [The Cyberdemon pauses, then detaches his cybernetic arm.] Cyberdemon: Who the hell are you, anyway? Trooper: Eric Schwarzenegger. [The Cyberdemon looks down enquiringly] Trooper: Second cousin, three times removed. [The Trooper finishes his work and hands the arm back] Cyberdemon: Where'd you get that Chaingun. Trooper: Cacos intercepted a UAC shipment of weapons in the fourth sector. Everyone's getting an upgrade. That BFG you have there is supercharged. It'll kill the buggers even if they have the cheats on. [The Cyberdemon grins] Cyberdemon: What's everyone else getting then? Trooper: I don't know much. The Sergeants have taken a course in quick-draw, and they got a bunch of "health bonuses". I heard something about the Spider-Demon getting a powerup and some new weapon. Cyberdemon: What new weapon? Trooper: Something called a Chain rocket Launcher... [The Cyberdemon grins evilly. He reattaches his arm.] Cyberdemon: Well, time to kick butt. [The Cyberdemon steps out from behind the column and greases the Marine.] Cyberdemon: I LIKE this weapon. [Fade out] The patch: Jacks up all the monsters. Like the man said, Troopers with chainguns, pumped Sergeants, BFG Cyberdemons and more. The Spider-demon is harder to kill, and has a chain-rocket launcher. Watch out for steady streams of rockets. Known Bugs: The Trooper bugs from 1.0 is fixed. The spider demon is the one who is trigger happy now. Where to get this patch: alt.binaries.doom Alden Bates.