REALGAME.DEH This Dehacked patch is an attempt to make the game tough enough to be interesting, yet playable and surviveable(every level playtested and passed -though some JUST BARELY - by me to ensure proper play-balance.) in an attempt to make the game regain most of its original enjoyability. ****THE FOLLOWING APPLIES TO TELFIX.DEH AS WELL*** Teleportation sound has been killed. Period. Monsters, exploding corpses, telefrags, players, et. al. don't make a sound going through it. Teleportation is also completely invisible and nearly instantaneous. (this is great for creating invisible, unnoticeable teleports in stairways and such to simulate levels) *THIS IS HOW DEATHMATCH SHOULD BE - NO IDEA WHEN THEY ARE COMING FOR YOU!* REALGAME.DEH \___ Both files included in REALGAME.DEH TELEFIX.DEH / Telefix.deh is available seperately for those who just want to make DMatch more challenging. >:)