QUAD Shotgun for DOOM2 ====================== Filename : QUADGUN.DEH Author : Jako Malan E-Mail : jako@iafrica.com Credits : Greg Lewis for Dehacked and id Description =========== Here is a DEHACKED 3.0a replacement for the double-shotgun in DOOM 2. It makes the shotgun fire 4 shells at a time. [PROS] * Blow away 20 soldiers standing behind each other * Kill an imp at 100 meters (1 shot) * Kill a cyberdemon with 18 shots (direct hits) * Inflict SERIOUS pain on your deathmatch mates * Archvile at 30 meters = no problem * Cacodemos fall from the sky * You still have the normal shotgun * If you miss with this gun, you have SERIOUS problems [CONS] * "Hey! What happened to all my SHELLS I had a minute ago?"