INFORMATION- Author: Mike Fisher Authors E-mail: Author Info: 14 yr. old, Male, Psychoholic Anonymous, Doomaniac PATCH DESCRIPTION- Patch Overview: It makes the head shooter at the end of the game shoot never before seen BLUE plasma balls (not like the ones from the plasma rifle) and makes the rocket laucher capable of killing someone using GOD MODE!!! and the rocket launcher makes the sound of the head shooter at the end. Some other graphics have been changed with the patch just some death sounds and stuff like that. Program used: D2HACKER V4.0 Time used: Five minutes, MAYBE ten. Credits to: Myself and the authors of D2HACKER. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION- This patch is only used with D2HACKER for DOOM2 and MAYBE DEU V6.0+ Important: I am in no way responsible for anything that happens to you or your computer when this patch is used. DooM2 is a registered Trademark of IDsoftware and it's providers. D2HACKER is a Trademark of UACsoftware. This patch may be distributed freely as long as you include this file with it. E-Mail me if you like the patch and I will put out some more patches and/or Levels with patches and graphics included.