** PATCH FOR HERETIC: NEWGUNS.HHE ** ------------------------------------ This patch file will give you some new weapons: -The Dark Wand: An improved version of the elvenwand, with increased firepower. - Fire Crossbow: This weapon, in it's normal state, beams a blue lightning with red smoke. With the tome of power, the fire crossbow turns into the most powerful weapon in the game! :-O - Wind Claw: Dragon Claw now is past. With the tome of power, instead of spreading spikes, this weapon spreads tornados!!! - Hellstaff: In it's new version, the Hellstaff shoots fireballs with an incredible power! - Lava Rod: When the fireballs hit any obstacle, they spread themselves like lava balls! CREATOR: Leonardo Sewald Cunha "Vampire Hunter D" EDITOR USED: HHE v1.1: The Heretic Hacker Editor REQUIREMENTS: Heretic v1.0 (Registered) & HHE v1.1 THANKS GO TO: * Greg Lewis (Your editor is just great !) * The guys at Id, for creating such a perfect game! Bugs? E-MAIL me at: sewald@plug-in.com.br Have fun!