This file is: Here's a couple more weapons for y'all. If you liked Suprwepn, you'll LOVE LOOP.DEH Select any weapon and start firing. But don't get near walls! This weapon is for those indecisive people who can't choose between shotgun and, say, the BFG. There's one of each in there somewhere! Just press fire once and forget. No ammo limit (because you can start with punch). Known bugs: can't stop firing until you pick up another weapon. THEPUNCH.DEH If you're like me you like chainsaw but you just LOVE berserk fist. This combines the best of both weapons. As an added bonus: makes it _REALLY_ easy to become a Doom Tyson. :-) Always wanted to frag the CyberDemon with fist? Now's your best and only chance! (NOTE: doesn't look like much at first, try standing next to a wall with it.) Also included: our own version of Suprwepn. (No credit to them except for the concept. We wrote this one ourselves.) This version doesn't require you to hold down fire like some _other_ suprwepns we could mention. Just turn it on and point! As if you'd want to stop firing. Copyright stuff: do whatever you want with these files, but if they blow up your computer, cause you to lose money, or even annoy you in any way, it's your own damn fault not mine. Distribute them only in electronic form, and only with this file intact. Credit for LOOP and THEPUNCH goes to: Mike Chun ( Cory Dodt (