------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note- this replaces kaboom.zip that didn't work very well. It seems that increasing the number of rockets you pick up each time would hang some deathmatches (wierd - I think it has to do with to many objects) Anyway, this one works and is still a "blast" to play.(groan) I also include dehacked and the fix patches in this one Have fun! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _\\\\\\\\\\\\||||||||||///////////////_ - KAAAAAAAAAAAAABBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! - ////////////||||||||||\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ KABOOM2.ZIP A (working) DEHACKED patch By:John Wakelin DM johnw@datametrics.com Contents: KABOOM.DEH - The patch KABOOM.BAT - Will install it for you NOBOOM.DEH - Fix patch NOBOOM.BAT - Will uninstall KABOOM KABOOM.TXT - This file DEHACKED.EXE - THE tool that makes it all possible Discription: Land-mines for DEATHMATCH, well for any DOOM game, but best in DEATHMATCH I basically used Greg Lewis' excellent DOOM.EXE hacker ( DEHACKED 1.3 ) to make the rockets motionless and partially invisible (like spectres). I also made them vulnerable to attack so that you can clear them if you find them. There are three other cool things. I'm listing these features seperately because I did not plan on them they just happened. 1. If you lay the mine, it won't hurt you in that life. However,if you die, come back, and then run in to it, you will die again. 2. You will get a FRAG credit if someone hits a mine you laid, but you must stay alive until then or no credit. 3. If you shoot a mine once with the pistol, it will float off slowly in the direction of the shot (carefull, twice and it blows). We have not yet discovered the full benefits of this, but it's still pretty cool to do). Background: Author- me (name and E-mail adrss above) Thanks to DOOM I am a download junkie. My computer spends more time connected to infant2 than it does doing work. I have used everything everyone else has contributed, it's time I gave something back to the community. buildtime: Maybe an hour testing: A LOT!!! (I have officially crossed the "get a life" line) Tool used: DEHACKED Greg Lewis's executable hacker/patch maker Vers.1.3 (very nice job, by the way, Greg) Credits: Greg (of course) & ID SOFTWARE (may they make more money than God, they deserve it) copyrights - UH... WHAT? do what ever you want with this, if you change it, though, please make sure you take the blame. Where to find this: infant2.sphs.indiana.edu (THE doom site) Instructions- 1. Download 2. unzip in your doom directory 3. type KABOOM 4. play DOOM with mines 5. type NOBOOM to remove patch Well I think that's it, please E-mail me with your comments, or if you have any other cool ideas for using dehacked, let me know. John