You know about how all the people wanted to make the ROCKET LAUNCHER a FLAMETHROWER... Well, I didn't like what I was seeing! One man Did it so it would drop right in front of you and the go up in flames... ( WHOOPE! ) Since I was NOT satisfied I made this patch! It makes the flamethrower shoot Cacodemons Bullets, and ( Of course ) Go's up in flames! I was very satisfied with what I got, and then spead up the speed that it shoots, and, well, it's like the SUPRWEP6.DEH patch! Only it shoots flames out of the Rocket launcher! And the plasma rifle shoots Mancubus Shots, just for the heck of it! I wasn't completley satisfied, but it will work for now! I'm WORKING on another one that will BE a FLAMETHROWER! I'm gonna take the rocket launcher frames and make them look like a FLAMETHROWER!!!!! AND have it shoot nothin BUT FLAMES!!!!! I also changed the TEXTS so it says when you have the FLAMETHROWER! I've Included some pictures showing the FLAMETHROWER in ACTION!!! Hope you Enjoy this PATCH! E-mail me at And give me any comments or anything else! SEE YA!!!