Title: Alergic to Gore!?!?!? File Name: ALLRGORE.DEH Author: Jon Nelson (knelson@cdsnet.net) Game: DooM ][ Story: After many years of research by humans and Satan, it has been found that gore is more powerful than conventional weapons, therefore, all projectile weapons have been replaced with their more powerful gore counterparts. Bullets have also been refitted with blood capsules, rather than normal slugs. Along with slinging more powerful copses and gore, I have also increased the max ammo for each weapon to 1000. Due to complaints by many marines in Co-Op mode, the BFG has been toned down a bit. Good luck, Marine. What all This Means To You: I Changed all of the projectiles into gore, but the Revennant's and the Arachnatron's gore launchers are broken, but they still try. Known Bugs: This isn't really a bug, more than a limitation of the DooM ][ engine, when you get into a really big gore fight (Like in Dead Simple) some of the sprites will disappear. Sometimes when you exit a level it dump you back to DOS. My girlfriend Build Time: 45 min while watching MAD TV DeHackEd version: 3.0 Misc Author Info: Hasn't done his Homework. Copywright Stuff: Feel free to distribute this file on any electronic format as long as you don't change the file name and send me a copy of whatever format you decide to put it on. I don't care if you change the file to make it more streamlinedas long as you send me a copy. And last but not least, please give me credit wherever you put this. Disclaimer: As you should know, DeHackEd modifies your .exe file (well, actually, it makes a new one) but it still might crash. This file is provided as is, NO warranties are expressed or implied. If your computer falls into a dimensional shambler while using this patch where time and space collide, don't bother me, I warned you. So there.