Title: Spear of Destiny
Filename: SOD.WAD
Author: Laz Rojas
Email Address: filmman@pacificnet.net, wolfdoom@aol.com
Misc. Author Info: web site at
Description: Faithful recreation of the Wolfenstein 3D
sequel Spear of Destiny, with improved graphics and ambient
sounds. Created on a Macintosh.
Additional Credits to: The guys at id, for creating both
Doom and Wolfenstein.  Also Joel Murdoch, for beta testing
the levels and coding the special engine.

Files included:

SOD.WAD -- maps, sprites, textures, flats, and sounds
SOD.EXE -- game engine
SOD.DEH -- patch file
SODDIFF.TXT -- source difference file between Boom 2.01 and

*Play Information*

Game: Doom II
Level #: MAP01-MAP21
Single Player: Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player: No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player: No
Difficulty Settings: Not at this time.
New Sounds: Yes
New Graphics: Yes
New Music: No
Demos Replaced: None


Base: New level from scratch
Build Time: About six months, on and off
Editor(s) Used: HellMaker, Demon, Deimos, MacBSP, NWT Pro 
Known Bugs: None 


Authors may not use this level as a base to build
additional levels.

You may distribute this WAD as long as this read me is

*Where to get this WAD*

FTP Sites: ftp.cdrom.com
BBS Numbers:
Other: http://www.doomworld.com/wolfendoom.shtml
