Icarus Help Demos for ICARUS: Alien Vanguard by TeamTNT Note: You must have Icarus available to use these demos. We have included in ICARHELP.ZIP 32 demos where the player triggers all the actions, finds all the secret areas, and at least shows the location of all the special items like orbs and such. These demos were usually done with no monsters, except where monsters were required due to special effects, in which case skill 1 was used. The help files are there to get you through the level, not to teach you how to play DOOM. To run a help demo, just unzip the file and then type this on the command line (example will be for the MAP25 demo): ICARUS -PLAYDEMO IC25HELP Uppercase isn't important, and be sure not to include the ".LMP" on the end of the demo filename. Notes: Demos are for version 1.9 of DOOM2. If you have version 1.666 or 1.7a, you'll need to convert the demo (or, preferably, upgrade your DOOM version) to see them. We ran into a couple of levels where not all of the secrets tally every time, but the demos will show everything you're supposed to do. Also, we don't pick up every little armor helmet and such, and since they're no-monsters demos we didn't get hurt so we couldn't pick up additional armor vests, so the Items counts won't sometimes get to 100% either, but you'll see all the special items like orbs, armor, etc. Enjoy! The TeamTNT home page is at http://www.teamtnt.com