LMP RECORDING FORM **************************************************************** I. LMP FILE INFORMATION Lmp File Name : FILMat11.LMP Game Engine : Doom v. 1.9 Wad File Name : Doom1.WAD (id orginal) Level : e1m5 Difficulty : Skill 2 Style : -Deathmatch Requires timer : Yes, use -timer 33 Player Perspective : Green II. STATISTICS: Player 1 (Green) frags : 91] Player 2 (Indigo) frags : 57 Player 3 (Brown) frags : 38 Player 4 (Red) frags : 77 III. PLAYER INFORMATION Player 1 : O-Sensei Player 2 : Yakuza Player 3 : Psychosis Player 4 : Kluster IV. COMMENTS: This is a free-for-all lmp on e1m5, ver 1.9. It ended with a consistency failure... Terry. O-Sensei NOTE: 2 minutes has been added to this lmp so you can see the frag count, but you have to use the -timer parameter to see it. I've included a batch file that will do this for you. This lmp is playable using the shareware version of Doom. Enjoy. --Bowman