This is a DHT6 exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory. The DOOM Honorific Titles Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01 George Bell hereby conquers the title of Doom 2 Pacifist Exam file name : Title conquered : Doom 2 Pacifist Author : George I. Bell (GIB) Completion date : 1997 10 05 Game and version used : Doom II v. 1.9 Authentication dance : RFR-LLF-LLR Assigned levels : 20 25 14 Log file entry : 19970929 2344 CHAL: D2P6 GIB 20 25 14 (00) 19970929 2344 : George I Bell Free interpretation : Map15 in NightMare to the NORMAL exit System used : P166, 16MB RAM, SB 32, Diamond Stlth 64 Video Card Controls used : Mouse+Keyboard Mouse : Left button - fire Right button - forward Keyboard : Z - strafe left X - backward C - strafe right Ctrl - speed mode (always) Pacifist is not my favorite playing style, it seems contrary to the whole design of the game. I'm non-violent in real life, but when a mob of angry beasts are hammering mercilessly at me I want to beat the living s**t out of them (as in my free interp)! I did start having fun while recording 14, what a wild route! Since all of my assigned levels are "instant carnage", I chose (per D2P6 rules) not to do my dance in any of them. The only lmp here which contains my dance is the free interpretation. MAP20: This one I even figured out on my own! Time - 1:23. MAP25: Ugh! I couldn't see how to survive this one until I saw an lmp of it. Anthe's run past the barrels is real slick, but considerably harder than it looks. I practiced this jump with -nomonsters until my odds were about 1 in 5, then started recording. I found out quick the sargeants were messing up the way I had the jump lined up, so I backed off to see if they would move out of the way. Suddenly I heard the barrels exploding, this I knew was a rare event (triggered by the Pain Elemental)! It made the level much easier as getting to that megasphere is the crux. Funny part is the final lift, where I am celebrating having made this one, when a lost soul ambushes me and jams the lift ... I'm dead. Or so I thought, I escape at 1% health and limp over to the exit ... whew!! Time - 1:45. MAP14: I would have thought this flat out impossible, and it probably is via the "normal" route. Istvan's lmp of this level is brilliant, and I pretty much follow his route exactly. The most frustrating spot was always the chaingunner after the blue key. If he started firing at me I never survived his wrath. The ending goes very well for me - all the chaingunners get killed by imps, leaving me with plenty of health to attempt the final jump many times. With minimum health 51%, this lmp makes the level look simple, but it took many attempts, 2:12. FREE: No more Mr. Nice Guy... I have never seen a NightMare lmp of 15 to the normal exit, so I wanted to give it a try. Problem is there is one long section (from after the blue key to the Berserk pack) with tons of monsters and no health. I spend the whole start of the lmp preparing for this gauntlet, which I almost never survive. The final building requires extreme care and luck with the chaingunners, I had to practice it many times to figure out how to survive. A great lmp, I think. But not very pacifist! Time - 5:44. Author Among DH5 and DH6 collectively, I now have all six DOOM2 titles, Notes: with D2I and D2Y done twice. I don't wanna do Tyson again! Thanks Istvan Pataki and Anthe Kren for figuring out how to do 14 To: and 25 pacifist. Richard Sham for tips and moral support in completing these two levels! Author Visit my DOOM web page at Info: and my home page at