This is a DHT exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory. The DOOM Honorific Titles Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01 Tomaz Cedilnik hereby conquers the title of DOOM 2 Master. Exam file name : D2M6TC.ZIP Title conquered : DOOM 2 Master Author : Tomaz Cedilnik Completion date : 1997 05 29 Game and version used : DOOM II v. 1.9 Log entry : (copy the relevant two lines verbatim from your challenge) Substitutions? : NO (not possible in DHT6) System used : Pentium 100, Ati 3D ProTurbo PC2TV, 14" Colorview, SB AWE32 Controls used : Keyboard only, with keys redefined as follows Right hand: arrows - moving & turning ctrl - fire Left hand a - strafe left s - run d - strafe right space - open / use Free interpretation : Level 20 (hardest), same rules, 100% secrets, h/a: 200/200. Comments : As you see, I'm new here (in DHT) and have much to say. At the beginning I didn't know why the given levels were not sorted. I decided to start with 17 and continue with 21 and 27. First I quickly looked into them to see what I've got. 17 was pretty easy. When I was trying to do 21 I realized it's the easy one and that I've already done the medium one. It wasn't very good feeling to have more troubles with an easy level so I decided to make a plan to go through. I practiced every part separately, each one a few minutes. When I thought it was enough I started to record again. I needed many trials but finally I did it. In 17 I didn't have to plan much, I just tried many times. I think 21 is maybe slightly harder than 17. I compared 17 and 21 to the other easy and medium levels and I think 17 and 21 should be in the same set; they should be easy cause 17 is much easier than other medium levels. Well, the realization that the 21 is "easy" was also the realization that the 27 is hard so I became scared about it because that could mean I did less than a half of my work after finishing 17 and 21. But ... it wasn't so difficult. MAP17: This is the first .lmp for this title. When I found a good way to go through I did only 92% kills. Then I realized I didn't kill chaingunners & co. in the room with zig-zag wall in the middle (cacos and imps and teleports). I also checked the map (using DCK) and saw that's all so I started recording. But it took a lot of trys because there's not much ammo at the beginning. That's why I really tried to convince cacos, imps and chaingunners to do some of my job. In revenant's room I decided to shoot revenant near the room's exit but I had to kill shootgunners before because I was almost without sheels. I saved bullets for pain elementals and arachnotrons because they stop shooting if you use a chaingun. I accidently went to the yellow door after I got the blue key and realized it comes later. In the blue room chaingunners were shooting me from behind and a cacodemon surprised me but it was easy to deal with them. Arachnotron wasn't a big problem, I was just standing on the radioactive floor because it was easier to aim at him (I picked up a supercharge before facing him). In the yellow room I hadn't much trouble killing monsters except when the revenant hit me (OUCH!), archie was easy (I took a supercharge before and had more than enough rockets). I also dealed with annoying 'exit room guards' with rockets. At the end of this level I wasn't sure I killed everybody (body?!) but fortunately I did. Time: 24:02. MAP21: Here also seemed to be a lack of ammo. But It's easy to let mancubuses kill all imps in the room with arrow shaped stairs and elevator. Revenants are easy, you just have to hide behind a corner sometimes. Here are more than enough powerups so it becomes "seriously dangerous" only in two rooms: one is where you get the yellow key and the other has the floor covered with slime and many islands, both because you can't go to the beginning room (with powerups) any time. In the room with the yellow key I was in panic because of low health but I managed to escape (with 1% of health) so I could recover my health and continue the fight --- actually watching fight between them. The green room wasn't so big problem because I had enough room to run. I used invulnerability for annoying chaingunners (other monsters shoot balls so they're mostly harmless). After taking the red key and chainguns I was a little confused because imps' fireballs were comming from all directions when I made some holes into a knight. But the one who was behind my back was probably killed by that knight. Then I realized the room was practically empty so I decided to kill all and get a megasphere after that to go out with 200-200. After coming back to the green room I noticed (fortunately; otherwise I'd have to record it again) that I didn't shoot all monsters yet. They were trapped (if a monster stands on the edge of an elevator and it goes up, that monster can't move sometimes). But I saw a fireball and knew they're still there. Time: 14:15. MAP27: This level is hard (classified by Frank Stajano). As I said, it scared me before I started to work on it seriously. The most unpleasant about this level is it's complexity. So I had to make very exact plan before even trying to record. First I looked it's shape with DCK (level editor) and tried to find an easy way through it. I also tried to find out how to get all weapons as soon as possible. The secret area which closes 30 seconds after start contains some ammo so it must be picked up at the beginning (I may kill the spider before). And so on, the level is large and complex so I decided to look some other DOOM2 Masters to see how they did it. Before that I almost decided to cheat. There are some dark areas. If I light them nobody will know. Actually I didn't light the rooms. I changed the meanning of 'light level'. I made a pwad which has only a COLORMAP entry, and color maps were changed so the rooms which should be completely dark were only darkened. Then I looked for the demos. I found 6 assignments of level 27 and decided to look all of them. After that I thought I can just do it like others. To kill mancubi first (in the big rooms with teleport in the middle) and later revenants was a good idea. Also someone showed me (in his .lmp) how to kill pain elementals with a chaingun (hiding behind the corner). And so on. When I was watching the others' demos I got sick of them because everything seemed so easy except some experiments (not using strafe buttons, not knowing how to jump over the green pool). I decided I was ready so I started recording and tried a few times. I also decided not to cheat. It's not fair and (more important) it's too easy. Yes, it was pretty easy. As you can see, just before the end I wasn't sure if I killed everybody. So I supposed I did and went out. I left one invulnerability artifact and two supercharge balls but went out with 200% health! I'm not really sure this level deserves to be in a hard set... Or am I so good?? Naaah. Anyway, I checked the demo (binary) if it's really recorded in ultra-violence. Good! It is. Time: 23:28. MAP20: Because I think I got two easy levels and I don't consider it fair, I decided to do a level which really deserves to be called (at least) medium. That was before I did 27. But 27 was also much easier than I expected so I decided to do one of hardest levels to deserve to be called 'Master'; I choosed 20. I used master rules (ultra-violence, at least 100% kills), of course. But that's not all. I also decided to finish the level with 200/200 and 100% secrets. I examined the level carefully, found quite simple way through it and found out I can pick up a megasphere just before going out. I needed some trials to do it but it wasn't difficult at all. The spider mastermind and the cyberdemon were easy, I just let them shoot one each other. I didn't plan to take the megaarmor after that, however I accidently did it so I decided to continue and hoped it wouldn't change the plan too much; fortunately it didn't. Behind the door there are arch-vile and some other creatures; I killed them from other side. That way I teleport to a pain elemental and kill him without wasting ammo. But lost souls did some troubles there, floating around me when I tried to jump from the elevator. At the second pain elemental's area (stairs, jump over lava) I also had some troubles. When I jumped to the stairs I slipped but I could jump into a teleport and try again without health loss. I played even with less style: After I killed an archie (the second one) I realized I didn't take the BFG9000 from that room so I came back but I couldn't find out how to open the door hiding it. I was running around for a long time (boring for the audience). Then I decided not to use BFG9000 and realized I didn't even plan to use it, I just planned to take it because it's there so it didn't change my plan how to finish the level. In the exit room I didn't have problems, plasma is a really good weapon! I don't know who/what killed the revenant on the right side of the exit; maybe I did it when I was shooting there with plasma (trying to kill a caco hiding there), maybe he had problems with a chaingunner... Maybe this level should be hard, not hardest (or maybe I'm not experienced enough to judge it). Time: 18:46. Author info : 24 years old math student, I like to play DOOM, especially deathmatch. Once when I participated a deathmatch competition I was very bad (I used mouse, the others used keyboard). Then I tried to play with keyboard; I had much better control. I played deathmatch on many external levels, designed only for deathmatch. But I had only one opponent and I played on a laptop (terrible). So I decided to try with DHT because I don't want to loose my DOOMing skills. This is my first title. I didn't request a challenge for DOOM 1 Master because I didn't have DOOM 1. I was working much on DOOM 2 so I was prepared for this challenge. I'll challenge the title of DOOM 1 Master soon, but first I'll look a little around and learn about levels. I read DOOM 1 is easier than DOOM 2 so I think I won't have problems conquering DOOM 1 Master. I also plan to become a Tyson, Speedy Gonzales, Incubus...