This is a DHT exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory. The DOOM Honorific Titles Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01 Laura "BahdKo" Herrman hereby conquers the title of D2M6. Exam file name : D2M6LBH.ZIP Title conquered : DOOM 2 Master (6) Author : Laura "BahdKo" Herrmann Completion date : (1997 07 08) Game and version used : DOOM II v. 1.9 Log entry : CHAL: D2M6 LBH Laura "BahdKo" Herrmann FRF-LLR-FRF : Substitutions? : N/A System used : Intel P166 32megs EDO, Diamond Stealth 64 3d, Tropez stereo wavetable sound card w/surround sound amp. Controls used : Keyboard + mouse, with everything redefined as follows... A = strafe left, S = forward, D = strafe right, SPACE = backwards and use, autorun achieved through setting joyb_speed value in default.cfg to 31. Lmouse = fire. Free interpretation : In this LMP, Doom player stands head-to-head with the Cyberdemon, with no other monsters to distract or injure the cyber, no health for the human beyond his 100%, and no weapons. The human has the Bezerk to make his fist more potant, and that's it. The human's goal is to take no damage from the cyberdemon, kill it, and dont take too long. This recording takes slightly over 4 minutes (that includes falling off of the platforms with the Commander Keens several times), and all of the goals are met. Comments : Well... one of the things i have always enjoyed about Doom is how the monsters fight each other, and have different characters. In real life i like watching those public television animal shows, so i guess it coincides. In the Map18 demo i love to just get all of the monsters all riled up, and then watch them fight. In the Map6 demo i am a smartass... i dont have enough bullets available to kill the spider, so i use the other weapons, then kill it with the handgun. Nevermind that silly crusher, right? i have ammo enough.... The Map26 demo doesent have anything unusual about it, except that its neat to see the mancubus' attack pattern from above and behind. Author info : A halfway decent mouser. When i grow up i want to be a doom god!