This is a DHT6 exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory. The DOOM Honorific Titles Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01 George Bell hereby conquers the title of Doom 1 Incubus Exam file name : Title conquered : Doom 1 Incubus Author : George I. Bell (GIB) Completion date : 1997 09 26 Game and version used : Ultimate Doom v. 1.9 Authentication dance : RFR-LLF-LLR Assigned levels : 35 44 48 Log file entry : 19970922 2255 CHAL: D1I6 GIB 35 44 48 (00) 19970922 2255 : George I Bell Free interpretation : ** E1M3 followed by E1M9 in NightMare!! ** System used : P166, 16MB RAM, SB 32, Diamond Stlth 64 Video Card Controls used : Mouse+Keyboard Mouse : Left button - fire Right button - forward Keyboard : Z - strafe left X - backward C - strafe right Ctrl - speed mode (always) E3M5: I dislike the design of this level. Pretty easy, though. Time 1:59; Min Health 33%. E4M4: A rough start is the big problem. This is actually my very first recording attempt, but I didn't like it because it's obvious I had forgotten the end of the level and there are some embarrassing wrong turns and I barely survive to the exit. However I tried again some 20 times and kept dying at the start, so I decided to go with this. Time 1:30; Min Health 13%. E4M8: A fun level in NightMare. The start is the hard part, it's strange how sometimes I died almost immediately upon opening the door and sometimes everybody seems to miss. I always make the risky detour for the plasma gun because it makes the end a breeze. In fact if I reached the ammo dump by the pillars I almost always made it to the end. This is the best of 3 successful recordings. Time ~3:49; Min Health 46%. FREE: I had the idea for this lmp over a year ago - a NightMare run of E1M3 (hard) followed by E1M9 (hardest). I have never seen an lmp of this, even all the Episode 1 Nightmare runs I've seen never include E1M9. However, to be truthful, E1M9 is MUCH easier coming in with rockets and the chain gun than from scratch. The crux of this lmp is definitely the start of E1M3 - perhaps THE classic DOOM challenge of all time. First I practiced E1M9 starting from a saved game so I would have good odds of reaching the exit when I ever made it through E1M3. The hard part of E1M9 is right at the end, where too many demons respawning usually means death for me. Also the final exit jump may be easy for some but I'm not so hot at strafe jumps. In fact in this lmp I was certain I had missed it. Once I started recording, it took over an hour to make it through E1M3. Getting to the Soul Sphere is horrendous. Several times that demon right near the entrance to the Soul Sphere room nipped my last bit of health, and you can see in this lmp my health is 3% there. But the great thing was I made E1M9 on the first try. Anyway, this is the hardest lmp I've ever done for DHT, just watch it! Time 5:57 and 1:43; Min Health 3% and 50%. Thanks Andreas "Anthe" Kren for convincing me (one year ago) that To: I could do E1M3 in NightMare. I recorded it a week after my DHT5 D1I exam, and now I have done it twice ... Author Visit my DOOM web page at Info: and my home page at