This is a DHT exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory. The DOOM Honorific Titles Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01 Patrick Martin hereby conquers the title of DOOM 2 Tyson. Exam file name : D2T-PBM.ZIP Title conquered : DOOM 2 Tyson Author : Patrick Martin Completion date : 1996 11 10 Game and version used : DOOM II v. 1.9 Log entry - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CHAL: D2T PBM Patrick Martin 01 22 06 RRR-RRL-FFR : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Substitutions? : YES. Replaced MAP06 with MAP16 Additions to base : MAP12 (Hard), MAP16 (Hard) System used : Gateway 2000 P5-100, 16MB RAM Gateway 2000 AnyKey keyboard. Controls used : keyboard only, default configuration Free interpretation : Finish MAP31 with 100% kills using fist only. Comments : The first thing I did when I received this challenge is look if I got MAP04 or the dreaded MAP06. As expected I was assigned MAP06. Long before I got the challenge, I practiced on some alternative levels just in case something like this happened. MAP01: Very easy. Troopers, imps, and a chainsaw make an easy and very bloody combination :) Time: 1:36. MAP22: This map is quite difficult but relative to the base, I think it belongs in Medium. The two tricky parts for me are the beginning after you first warp into the center and the baron. With respect to the baron, I tried Mike Pratt's strategy in getting the baron on the lift. It didn't work out and I got burned in the process. At that point, I just got in a boxing match with the baron. I won after the baron reduced me to near death. I did the authentication dance a second time because I couldn't remember if I did it at the start. Time: 11:14. Substitution (also expansion): MAP16: I'm sorry but I can't do MAP06 -- I tried to play the level Tyson style but I get killed quickly every time. The level is too dark, it has few bullets, no berserk/chainsaw exists, and there are too many monsters. The way to complete MAP16 is to grab the invulnerability, then run to the berserk as fast as possible. Once berserk, kill as many revenants while the invulnerability lasts. After the revenants are disposed of, take out both arch-viles, one at a time, ASAP. After you destroy both arch-viles, grab the megasphere, release all the monsters, then go for the blue key. Monsters of various types will warp in. At this point, some of the monsters will fight other. This is the best chance to kill most if not all of the mancubi. You must kill the mancubi at all costs because if several of them survive after everything else is dead, it will be near impossible to kill all of them with the fist and survive. You should never use bullets except in the following three situations: to open the secret doors, to safely pick off the mancubus guarding the soul sphere, or to kill the few remaining monsters near the end. The lmp lasts 31:00. Action is fast and furious for the first nine minutes of the lmp. Below are some higlights. 4:00 - Both arch-viles are dead 9:00 - Action slows down 27:00 - Authentication dance 31:00 - The End (All monsters are dead!) This level is similar to MAP28 in difficulty. It is one of those medium/hard border levels. If you use the arch-viles' revival skills to raise monsters so that you can kill monsters more than once then exit the level with some of the other monsters alive, it is medium; otherwise it is hard. You need a good strategy (and a little bit of luck) to stand a chance to kill everything on MAP16. This lmp of MAP16 is not the lmp originally found in D2T-PBM. Originally, I used the arch-vile trick to complete what I thought was a very difficult level. Shortly after reexamining the level, not only did I think I "cheated", but also the level is not quite as difficult as I thought. (The hard rating stands though.) This lmp is my redemption. For those of you aspiring to become a Doom 2 Tyson, here's my advice: Although I sympathize with your plight of finding levels to expand the base with and that the arch-vile may help you complete what seems to be an otherwise impossible level, DON'T leave the level until everything is dead. Aside that it is cheap, it can be humiliating when someone comes along and does what you thought was impossible. In my case, I humiliated myself. If you like to view the lmp of MAP16 that used to be in D2T-PBM, contact me and I'll email it to you. Out-of-base expansion: MAP12: This is the level that I had planned to expand the base with. MAP12 has a somewhat plentiful supply of bullets; three berserks, several medikits, and a soulsphere; isolated monster encounters; and large areas of space. However, you need the bullets to kill one baron, two mancubi, all the sargeants guarding the armor and invisibility, and as many cacodemons as possible in the final room. It is likely that you will spend more bullets to kill more sargeants and to tame the lost souls. All other monsters must die by your fist or by infighting. The first tricky part is the rooftop. All five arachnotrons must be destroyed by the fist. Fortunately, a berserk and over two dozen imps are available to help you kill the spiders. Once inside the building, seven mancubi must be eliminated. The arachnotron guarding the blue key can take out some of the mancubi; the rest must be punched to death. Up until the last room is some fist fighting and monster luring that is not as dangerous as near the beginning of this lmp. The final room with all the cacodemons is the worst part of the level because once the door shuts behind you, you can't turn back. You need as much health, armor, and bullets you can carry. I shot at the cacodemons until my bullet supply exhausted. Next came the trickiest part of all: kill the remaining cacodemons with the fist. Doing this is like sticking your hand in the jaws of a shark. Sometimes, I can punch a cacodemon to death quickly without taking a scratch; other times, I have difficulty touching one then I lose about 90% health to the beast. In this lmp, I had a VERY tense battle with the last cacodemon. I rate this level hard because there are many situations that require critical timing and some luck (e.g. the rooftop and the last room). One or two mistakes can finish you off quickly. In addition, this lmp is very long. Time 1:08:16. Free interpretation: MAP31: After completing the previous levels, I decided to punch out everything on MAP31 just for fun; no weapons were used. I made a mad dash to the berserk and soulsphere then it was payback time. This level is quite easy even with Tyson restrictions. Time: 9:25. Author info : I am 25 years old now. This is my second DHT-title. My first title is a D2GM. I started playing DOOM when I tried shareware DOOM in July 1995. Then I got DOOM II in September 1995. I have played DOOM more than any other game. HUGE thanks goes to Mr. Lmps for addressing the concerns I had for D2T-PBM. I must thank Frank Stajano for hosting the DHT. It gives single players who are not blessed with fragmates the chance show off their best. Additional credits go to all other DHT title holders, especially those with epic titles. Finally, I thank ID for creating the best games, Doom and Quake, of all time.