This is a DooM .LMP "Competition" Entry E3M7-248.TXT E3M7-248.ZIP E3M7-248.LMP - Ultra Violence Recorded using Doom v. 1.9 DooM -PlayDemo with Doom v. 1.9 DooM - Ep.3 Mi.7 - Limbo Kills 100% (Items 75) Secrets 100% and Time 02:48 ----- Description: Usually I don't try to break any speed or max records, they are just too good. But this LMP has its own story: Frank Siebers told me how to strafe50 with keyboard only (just press StrafeRight + StrafeOn + TurnRight) and I planned to play this map on -Respawn with 100% kills and secrets, because it gives the opportunity for some funny jumps (which become easier with strafe50). As usual I first watched the COMPET-N/max record, but my HDD wasn't up to date and I watched Blake Cole's 4:31. That obviously had to be improved, he uses no jump trick. I played until I got 3:12 and was quite happy until I discovered that Yonatan has already done it in 2:52. Using his route it has been easy to reach 3:00. Especially the kill_four_cacos bfg shot saves some seconds. As you can see I'm not used to strafe50 yet and I miss two jumps. Author: Steffen "Rini" Udluft E-mail: