This is a Doom "Competition" entry. Please forward it... U4M9-022.TXT U4M9-022.ZIP U4M9-022.LMP - Ultra Violence Recorded using DooM Version 1.9 (Ultimate Doom) DooM -PlayDemo with Version 1.9 DooM - Ep.4 Mi.9 - Fear Kills 11% (Items 0) Secrets 0% and Time 00:22 ----- Description: This is a level not too many people have seen let alone played. The fastest time on this level is not as easy as it looks. I don't think this one will be topped. The fastest time on this level will make you hate Demons. Thanks for the help on this one Wader ! Some people STILL play DooM ! Score one for America's team - DIEnamik Duo (Blake Cole and Wade Cayton) Done by Blake (Killer B) Cole