This is a DooM .LMP "COMPET-N/doom/speed" Entry - Please forward it... U4M2s027.TXT U4M2s027.ZIP U4M2s027.LMP - Ultra Violence Recorded using "The Ultimate DooM" DooM -PlayDemo with Ultimate DooM Episode 4 - "Thy Flesh Consumed" Mission 2 - Perfect Hatred - Secret Exit Kills 28% (Items 45) Secrets 100% and Time 00:27 ----- Comments: It's now my 6th or 7th 0:27 but this has got the best time (27.28). I wonder what a built one would be like. I just don't think I can make THE jump there, because the Cacos haven't moved away soon enough. It's not a good map for /built. Apart from that you don't have to jump down to the imps but can directly jump into the teleporter. The problem is that you have to cross one of the stair-sided lines, the other two aren't tele- porting lines :( How about some deathmatches on this map? Author: Kai-Uwe Humpert E-mail: WWW: (~gazelle/doom.html)