This is a DooM .LMP "Competition" Entry - Please forward it... E1M7-141.TXT E1M7-141.ZIP E1M7-141.LMP - Ultra Violence Recorded using "The Ultimate DooM" DooM -PlayDemo with Ultimate DooM OR DooM -PlayDemo with DooM Ver. 1.9 DooM - Ep.1 Mi.7 - Computer Station Kills 54% (Items 35) Secrets 25% and Time 01:41 ----- Description : In this recording I do really only the absolute minimum to survive. Even to get the green armour at the start is a too long action. I made some mistakes but a time much better than 1:39 seems impossible with all the imps and sergeants (-nomonsters : 1:13) The last scene is a bit dramatic because of my health level but the goal is speed not health. Uwe Girlich