This is a Doom "COMPET-N/doom" entry. Please forward it... E1M2-226.TXT E1M2-226.ZIP E1M2-226.LMP - Ultra Violence Recorded using DooM Version 1.9 (Ultimate Doom) Doom -PlayDemo with Version 1.9 Episode 1 - Knee-Deep In The Dead Map 2 - Nuclear Plant Kills 100% (Items 47) Secrets 100% and Time 02:26 ----- Description: TZ: Yes, only temporary. I joined your competition. But very fast old time indeed ;-). Had to try 15 times. Looks like I should use shotgun every time on that final imp as it always blocks me. The rest is chaingun as the best weapon for this level, except perhaps for plasma gun ;-) Author: Kai-Uwe Humpert E-mail: WWW: