SIRIUS DESIGNS, santa cruz, ca. Title : ROMAN.WAD Author : Chris Arkenberg Email Address : Description :This is a fairly involved environment designed primarily for a single-person adventure. I've spent a lot of time providing just the right amount of ammo & health necessary to the accomplished favor and download it, play it, die repeatedly, and give me some feedback. May blood and sweat give the truth of your eyes a stinging red hue. ON TO THE KILL!! Features : Many traps & tricks, good sampling of enemies (no cyberdemons), most guns (no bfg), exquisite attention paid to textures and lighting to compose some really cool environments. Additional Credits to : Mathew Ayres for designing WADED: This is simply a great program. Very user friendly. And many praises to ID, of course. ===================================================================== * Play Information * Map # : MAP01 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Format : Doom ][ v1.666 Build Time : maybe 20 good hours Editor(s) used : Waded v.1.42 by Mathew Ayres Known Bugs : None that I could find. Tell me if you find any. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without specific credit to its author, me. Please give this wad to everyone you know and tell them to mail me a response. Send heaps of mail to ID begging them to employ me to design levels for Quake, Doom3, etc... so I can be cool and drive a Ferrari. I promise that I'll never forget all the little people who helped me become rich and famous (yeah right!). 0) * Disclaimers * Don't even think of blaming any chaos that may ensue upon your running this wad on its innocent author. Technology is neutral until some human starts screwing around with it. If your kid shoots the principal, then spend more quality time with him/her and consider reforming the education system of America. If your spouse neglects you to play this wad, get naked and cover yourself with various creams and jellys and sit on the monitor (may be illegal in some states). And if your computer tweaks out and erases your hard drive, blame it on Microsoft and sue Bill Gates - he's got much more cash than I. =====================================================================