================================================================ Title : Mountain, mabey? I haven't decided yet.. File Names : rip1.wad (levels, textures, etc) rip2.wad (music) pentag.ani (a prize! an animated WIN 95 cursor!) Authors : Just me. Adam VanBuskirk. Dissapointed? Email Address : adam2@auracom.com Additional Credits to : id Software, Inc. & the authors of: wintex Doomcad rmb DeuSF ================================================================ * PLAY INFORMATION * Maps : Maps 1, 3, 4, 16. for now.... The Game : DOOM 2 v1.666! Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Um, yeah, i think.... try it.. or don't... Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Not yet. Difficulty Settings : Yeseroo. New Sounds/Music : Sounds n' music - yup New Graphics : Yeah, baby! (only a few for now, much MUCH more coming...mabey...) Demos Replaced : Yup, just one, for now... ================================================================ * CONSTRUCTION * Base : new levels from scratch Build Time : almost a year now, still counting. Tools used : yes. (what a stupid question) Known Bugs : Plenty, but nothing that might hinder play. Just a few hundred HOM's. ================================================================ * COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS * Users may NOT use these maps to build additional maps. Ever. Amen. Play it. And don't modify it at all. And you can't take money for it. Distribute it in its original form, and do not put it on a cd. ever. If you want to do anything with this wad that I don't explicitly tell you that you can do with it, then ask me if you can before anything. If I say no, then don't touch it. And damnit, have fun. Or die. ================================================================ * WHERE TO GET THIS WAD * ftp.cdrom.com and all the DOOM mirror sites. (pardon me for being stupid, but exactly how did you get this without finding a copy of the wads??) ================================================================ * me mouthing off about nothing * [required reading] Ok. This wad is about 15% done. I doubt it will ever get finished. Nobody likes playing Doom anymore. Everybody seems to like playing Quake, Hexen II, or other games. If you are one of the seven people left who still play doom, and want to see more of this, and mabey even the finished version, you might want to e-mail me. Tell me that you just happen to own Doom 2, and that you want me to finish this, threaten my life, the lives of my friends and family, and my stupid dog, Jello. (as in jello for brains..) I might decide to finish this. I've already worked on it alone for a year, so mabey if sombody said they liked it, I might finish it. Right now, I have 3 other levels that go with these, but they didn't want to work with the others I've included, so they sit at my house, untill sombody tells me to get off my ass and fix the problem. I know what the problem is, i just never bothered to fix it. In the end of course, everything will be in one big wad. ================================================================= This is how finished the tc is. (yes, it will be a tc when it's finished) level 1 = 90 % level 2 = not included, 20 % level 3 = 90 % level 4 = 60 % level 15 = 30 % levels 5-14, 16-29, 31-32 = 2 % (ie, drawing board, not included..) There is a huge story to go with it all, but i don't wanna type it all up now, and I bet that you didn't really download this for the story, did ya? I wouldn't make any sense without the rest of the levels, anyway... anyway, for now, just type in "idclev" whilst playing, and pick a number between 1, 3 and 4, or 15 to play my levels. If you like this, and want to see the rest, you must mail me at adam2@auracom.com Now, go play Doom.