================================================================ Title : The Seventh - Level 03: The Technology Base Filename : PRWRSV03.WAD Loading Utils : PRWRSV.EXE Author : Michael "Prower" Reid Gameplay Tweaking : Adam Williamson (adam@scisoft.force9.co.uk) Email Address : prower@doomworld.com Misc. Author Info : The guy who's peeping at your from the otherside of the street. Co-Head News Reporter at http://www.doomworld.com/ C and DooM2 are his life; er, hobbies. Description : The Seventh - Level 03: The Technology Base About nine hours after the transport started, the lift finally comes to a halt. To entertain yourself during those long hours, you've been spending time on the internet, browsing about pages. You've also been spending a lot of time on IRC, just chatting 'til the cows come home. All this accomplished through a small laptop computer that you found between two Plutonium barrels. You decide to wait for the president of the Los Angeles Marine Corps to state your next mission. * Entering #marine_187p * * LAMS_Pres has joined #marine_187p * The mission objectives are being uploaded via X-Com. * LAMS_Pres has quit #marine_187p * * File tranmission started [][][][][][][][][][] Transmission succesful! | | | 10% 50% 100% LOADING DOCUMENT IN MICRO CORP. WORD EXCELLENT Alright, Marine! Your first land mass conquered! Try to keep this up until the hypergate! This sector, Marine, is a vital part of your success in this mission. On Pluto, there is a huge technology base that is a large factor in the survival of enemy life on the planet. Your main goal is to destroy the central reactor in the tekbase. This task is not easy at all, though. You need all three security cards to open up the self-destruct switch. On the plus side, you can obtain them in any order. Otherwise, this mission isn't going to be pretty. There are three sections, each containing a key to the power core self-destruct. The red key is located in Sector Epsilon, the communications center. There are several computers here, all which control Pluto's contact to outside life. You will have to destroy the reactor before any of this area's inhabitants can send out a message to Triton, your next destination. The blue key is located in Sector Theta, an abandoned part. This area was recently attacked by an unknown nemesis of the enemy, so nothing can live there. There should be security, however, because of the key in this area. The yellow key is located in Sector Omega, the armour and weapon storage facility. Don't get your hopes up, Marine - most of the armour is located behind bars, as well as the weapons. Don't even waste your time trying to get in the cages. We will inform you of your next goal after you've destroyed the reactor. * LOGGING OFF * You get out your pistol and fifty bullets, which was all that the hyperlift could carry, as well as put your knucklespike on your hand. Sticking the laptop computer in your backpack, you get ready to open the door... Beta - Testers : Adam Williamson: adam@scisoft.force9.co.uk Mike Watson (Cyberdem): cyberdemon101@geocities.com Additional Credits to : Adam Williamson, Richard J. Sham, Cyberdem, Rudy Jurjako, Linguica, Aurican and Chrozoron for recording demos for The Seventh 01 and 02. All the fellows at #doom2 who encouraged me to continue with The Seventh. Except for about 1/8 of the visitors, but they're deathmatch kinda peoples. Also, Jesse Myers(njx9) and Scott Cover(Covaro) were meant to be beta-testers, but I hadn't seen njx9 in a while (and I didn't want to flood his mailbox if he was on vacation), and Covaro was visiting the bluegrass state, Kentucky. ================================================================ * Play Information * Map# : MAP03 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes - sky, and a couple of lights, and a (crappy) reactor pic. New Music : Yes Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Waded 1.83, Warm 1.6, Deth 3.92 for level editing PC Paintbrush 5.00 for graphics Known Bugs : Yeah, right. Like I'd have errors in my work! * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com BBS numbers: BBSes... ha Other: http://members.xoom.com/Prower/Doom/ * Notes * We're finally out of the underground/brick theme! We've moved up to a tekbase style in this level. I'm sure plenty of people are happy, heh. This one is a *lot* longer than Seventh 01 and Seventh 02. Okay, not longer; harder. I've included a demo: a 6:01 run by me (the best time at this point). Adam's original time was a 13:04 (!), so that should be your time (or higher) on your first try. If it's lower, congrats, you're better than Adam on first tries :D I haven't found any bugs in this level. Thanks to Adam for using BSP; now I know that it's WARM doesn't stick things on invisible sectors, not me. Date Released: Friday, June 26, 1998, 7:00PM (or so) Homepage: http://members.xoom.com/Prower/Doom/frames.htm