================================================================ Title : The Seventh - Level Two: Station Charon Filename : PRWRSV02.WAD Author : Michael "Prower" Reid Email Address : mikeprower@geocities.com Misc. Author Info : Has a homepage at http://members.xoom.com/Prower/Doom Description : The Seventh - Level Two: Station Charon Hesistating to look at the swirl of the hypergate, you prepare to jump in. You can hear the hellspawn busting down the door of the center at that very moment. Herd of Cyberdemons and Spider Masterminds can be heard stomping their metallic legs against the floor. With a deep breath, you jump through the hypergate. Pressure surrounds your head, giving you sinus trouble. A cool blue stream of color is veiwable as you slide down at enormous speeds. Just as enough pressure builds to make your head explode, all the world stops. You are in the same place you started in. You glance to the side to see some sort of computer terminal. Seeing the letters UPS on it, you immediately know that is a Universal Posistioning System. The first UPS was invented to give astronauts their co-ordinates with- out needing to contact headquaters. You log in on the computer. LOGGING IN... USERNAME: Guest PLEASE WAIT... WELCOME, Guest, TO THE UNIVERSAL POSISTIONING SYSTEM MAIN MENU. 1) CALCULATE POSISTION 2) CONTACT HEADQUATERS 3) EXIT You decide to press "1" to see your coordinates. PLEASE WAIT... THE CURRENT POSISTION OF Guest IS SECTOR 1374 (CHARON, MOON OF PLUTO.) That shocks you. Just a minute ago you were on Earth! You press 2. PLEASE WAIT... CONNECTION WITH HEADQUATERS SUCCESSFUL. STARTING CHAT... Hello? Who are you? I'm Marine 187p Marine! I thought all people in New York were destroyed with the invasion. I used the hypergate to transport myself somewhere else. You have to help! I'll get you connected with the President of the Los Angeles Marine Service right now. Okay. CHANGING CHAT ROOMS... PLEASE WAIT... Hello? Marine! You have to help us! The extraterrestrials have landed in New York! I know, I was there. * Guest is now know as Marine_187p * I'm sending you the mission objectives via X-Com. bye okay * LAMS_Pres has logged off * * File transmission started [][][][][][][][][][] Done! | | | 10% 50% 100% * Exiting Chat * PLEASE WAIT... LOADING DOCUMENT IN MICRO CORP. WORD EXCELLENT Marine, here's your first objective: Get off of Pluto and land on Neptune. It's not as simple as it sounds, Marine - the enemy has disabled Hypergate activity. Their main base is located on the planet Jupiter. Before you get there, though, you must use their fuel supply airships to get from planet to planet, where you will finally reach Jupiter. You can re-enable the Hypergate technology, select the whole Earth and we will be relocated another place in the galaxy. You first mission will be to get down from Charon and land on Pluto. On Pluto, there is the main supply water and ice (it is very cold, you know). To get down, use the hyperterminal which carries Charon's rich Plutonium deposits down to Pluto. It won't be a long trip, however; the technology allows the barrels to be flung just below the speed of sound, which will make it a nine-hour or so trip. (As opposed to the nine days it would take normally.) First, locate and activate light/heating systems. The switch shouldn't be far from your starting point. Second, locate the yellow security card, and open the yellow security door. The yellow security doors guard one of Charon's main plutonium deposits. Destroy all plutonium barrels in the area. Descend to the mines, where the red key will be waiting. Behind the red security doors is another main plutonium deposit of Charon. Once again, destroy all barrels of the element. Go into the second mine to obtain the blue keycard, then return to the surface to go to the hyperterminal and land on Pluto. So grab those weapons, Marine! Oh yes, I forgot to mention - after each use of the hypergate, all weapons are stripped down to just a pistol and fifty bullets, as well as your knuckleduster. Ammunition backpacks, excess health, and armour are all taken away as well. Good luck, Marine. Remember - it's for Earth. CHOICE? (1,2,3)3 GOODBYE, Guest! LOGGING OFF... COMPUTER SHUT DOWN The computer monitor has a small flash, then it shuts itself down. You know you are right outside hellish demons, one-eyed monsters, and disgusting helpers of Satan. But, like your Commander said: "This is for Earth." Additional Credits to : Andy Kempling aka Aurican for making some kick-ass demos of Launch Gate. All the regulars in #doom2, for their support. All the bastards that were thinking of stalking and murdering me if I didn't finish this level! :) ================================================================ * Play Information * Map# : MAP02 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes (sky) New Music : Yes Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : WadEd 1.87, Warm 1.6 Known Bugs : none! Build Time : About a week (50-60 hours) * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com BBS numbers: Other: http://members.xoom.com/Prower/Doom/seventh.htm Notes: "The Seventh - Level 02: Station Charon" is a bit bigger than Launch Gate. (60K compared to 105K) It took me about 1:45 in Launch Gate, but in Station Charon I'd be surprised if I could get under three. Lots of detail in this one; it's actually pretty hard to make a mine realistic in a level, so I didn't go for extreme detail in the mines. It looks rather plain, actually. Just a couple of wood bars and supports holding the mine up. There are still the semi-famous railings of mine in the level. Also in this level: conveyer belts, exploding Plutonium barrels, mining areas, cargo bases, tech labs, and nude chicks! Okay, maybe not the last one, but still. Michael "Prower" Reid mailto:mikeprower@geocities.com Frames : http://members.xoom.com/Prower/Doom/frames.htm No Frames : http://members.xoom.com/Prower/Doom/index.html