================================================================ Title : Prower's Collection - DooM 2 version Filename : prwrcol2.wad prwrcol2.txt Author : Michael "Prower" Reid Email Address : mikeprower@geocities.com Misc. Author Info : One of the better wad authors out there. Permenant Homepage soon to be at http://prower.ml.org Current Homepage at http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/2812/ Description : If you don't like level complications, maybe this will change your mind. The reason? These levels _don't suck_. None of the levels in this collection are done by somebody else other than Prower (me), and I hand-picked the best eight of my own wads. Level Name | MAP ----------------------------------------------- Prower's City | 01 Operation: Time Gate | 02 UAC Archaelogy Dome+ | 03 Mining Facility | 04 Lost Deimos Base* | 05 Temple of Stone* | 06 Tekbase of Fear* | 07 Compini Exchange Post* | 08 + Appeared in The Experiment as MAP11 * Previously Unreleased Map 01 - Prower's City --------------------------- This was originally released as PRWRCITY.ZIP on ftp.cdrom.com and its mirrors. The level is set in a city overrun by muntants, and it's your job (isn't it always?) to take out the scumbag's toxic waste processers. To do this, you must first enter the sewage facility. After that, you must venture to the stone prison and get the mansion pass (yellow key). Radar has detected a slight interference between the yellow key and the corridor it is in - it seems as if a barracade of somekind is triggered by pressure. With the pass, enter the mansion, destroy all opposition. Go through the teleported, grab the red key. A huge monster is housed somewhere in the city - destroying him deact- ivates all the processers. From there, you are a step aways from home. Map 02 - Operation: Time Gate --------------------------------- An ancient city-type level, your mission is to simply get the red keycard and escape. The is one hell of a battle in between your goals, including a prison facility and the water systems. Map 03 - UAC Archaelogy Dome -------------------------------- UAC, as always, has "contributed" an experiment to science that allows people to create more powerful weapons and upgrade a pistol to a BFG9000 within seconds. However, the hellspawn have taken over this military site, too, and are ready to fight back. To destroy the evil, you will need the red and blue keycards to access the escape building. We expect a yellow keycard to play a role along the way, also. Radar detects heavy enemy activity near UAC arena outside of blue key. Watch out. Map 04 - Mining Facility ---------------------------- There is good news and bad news about this map - the demons have ran out of copper supply on their homebase, which is needed to keep out radiation on Charon. That's the good news. The bad news is they have created some sort of mine to carry out the copper and move it towards their homebase. They have guarded the actual mine with a blue key, and their are several barracades until you get to the exit switch which will cause the facility to crumble. Be sure to jump out of the exit hole soon, marine, or you'll end up as marine pancakes. Good luck soldier. Map 05 - Lost Deimos Base ----------------------------- The monsters have, yet again, taken over another important military facility. This one will have a major blow on the demon's survival, as when you take this out, their main power generator will be destroyed. And without power, the demons can't do much. So take a mighty leap into the base and prepare to make toast of some angry demons watching you overcome their power. Map 06 - Temple of Stone ---------------------------- This is the first of three steps you will need to progress to the main cargo facility, which is the heart of all the demon corruption. In this sector, your goal is to locate the gate which will bring you to the next section, the Tekbase. Expect weak to medium resistance in this area. Map 07 - Tekbase of Fear ---------------------------- Your second step in the process of destroying the demonic outpost is the Tekbase. In this facility, your primary objective is to locate the teleporter which will take you to the undentified moon that the demonic heart is on. Radar detects medium resistance in this area. Map 08 - Compini Exchange Post ---------------------------------- Marine, load that shotgun - the third moon of Seka, Compini, turns out to be the place where the demons are hiding. You have landed in their cargo facility entrance. You primary goal is to destory Compini by getting the blue key and escaping through the rocket in the actual facility. The rocket's jet boosters will explode on impact, destorying compini and any fleeing ships other than your heat-proof vessle. Good luck, marine. Make this blow the worst one. Additional Credits to : Anyone who likes my wads/bsps/etc. All that deserves to be credited to. ================================================================ * Play Information * Map # : MAP01-MAP08 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes (waterfall) New Music : Yes (level 02) Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : Map 01, 02, 03, 04 based on PRWRCITY, OP_TGATE, TE MAP11, and MINEFACI, respectivally. They are still all of my own wads. Map 05, 06, 07, 08 are all my wads, previously unreleased. 05 was intended for TE MAP15, 06-08 were intended for METLHELL. Editor(s) used : Waded 1.87R for editing, Warm 1.6 for nodebuilding, Deth 3.92 for putting graphics in my wads, NWT and NWTPRO for inserting new textures. Known Bugs : The levels in this complication were ment to be played from scratch - press IDCLEVxx before you b begin each level, where xx is the map name. Make sure it is two digits (i.e. 01, 07, etc.) If you don't know what map you are one, press TAB in the level and it will show you what map in the lower-left hand corner. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. Just give me credit where it is needed. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. Commercial CD's, i.e. DooM Wad compilations that cost $$$ must have my permission to release them. If I respond with a yes, you may put it on. If I respond with a no or within 7 days I send no response, that means "no". * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com BBS numbers: Other: