================================================================ Title: Phobos Filename: Phobos.wad, Phobos.zip Author: Roger Ritenour e-mail: ritenour@rlc.net Description: Phobos is a 4 level pwad set under a spectacular Phobos sky with Mars, the Red Planet, looming malevolently on the horizon. It loosely follows the story line of the first 4 Doom I levels but with larger, more spectacular, more challenging levels. Briefly, the levels are as follows: HANGER: You will discover a spaceport, complete with ticket counters and boarding gates that will have you boarding the next flight to get the hell out of there! NUCLEAR PLANT: This is where the electricity to power Phobos Base is generated. It is complete with nuclear reactor, steam generators, fuel storage pools, turbine hall, switch yard, and nuclear dump site. Your opposition will not want to let this place go! TOXIN REFINERY: UAC had an industrial chemical plant at Phobos Base complete with fractional distillation towers, chemical reactors, storage tanks, and control center. Your opposition has taken it and subverted into processing evil toxins! COMMAND AND CONTROL: This is the control center for the entire Phobos Base and the surrounding space of the Mars planetary system. This may be the place where the hellspawn of your opposition first invaded and decapitated the command and control structure for the entire Mars planetary system. They entered clandestinely from below! * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Map01 thru Map04 of DOOM II, Final DOOM, and BOOM This has been tested and works with BOOM with one known bug Single Player : Yes Cooperative Player : No Deathmatch : No Difficulty Settings : Yes, full range (all difficulty levels are tougher than standard Doom difficulties, suggest starting at the easier levels until familiar with the layout. New Sounds : No New Graphics : Many, Check out the sky! New Music : Yes Demos Replaced : None *Construction * Base : New levels Editors used : Wintex/Deutex WinDEU32 BSP Node Builder (Colin Reed) Corel Photopaint 6 CorelDraw 6 Corel Motion 3D 6 Known Bugs : The duct work over the toxin pits in TOXIN REFINERY do not funtion correctly in BOOM. Because of the way the sky texture works, some versions of DOOM produce strange effects when played with the full screen option (without the status bar at the bottom) * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY use these levels as a base to build additional levels You MAY modify these levels. If you do, please drop me a line, I would like to see what you come up with. You MAY distribute this this WAD in any electronic format provided you include this information file unmodified. If you use portions of this wad in other wads, all I ask is that credit be given to the originator, whether it is me or someone from whom I borrowed from.