================================================================ Title : The Tallman's Domain (v1.0) 5-10-95 (v2.0) 3-20-97 Filename : PHANTASM.WAD Author : Steve Schulte Email Address : ph4nt4sm@pipeline.com Misc. Author Info : Phantasm, Star Wars fan. To play, run the INSTALL.BAT file. Then type PHANTASM to play. When done, type RESTORE to restore the PHANTASM.WAD to it's normal self. (due to adding modified sprites to the PHANTASM.WAD, you must run the INSTALL.BAT program) Description: This wad is based on the cult horror movie Phantasm. You are Mike Pearson. And the Tall Man is back. First he took Mom and Dad. Then he took Jody. Now he's after you. You begin at the entrance to the Tall Man's Domain, and what awaits you, you can only imagine. You enter. Was that a Silver Sphere that just flew by? Shit, it sure sounded like one. Feeling a little drained? (as in, your blood) Eat some Reggie's Ice Cream for strength. His Neopolitan is grand. Armed with only your Colt Army Issue, you enter a hellish domain where nightmare meets reality, and they become one. You're not quite sure how you got here, but you do know one thing..... You're gonna find that Tall dude, stomp the shit out of him, and find out what the hell is going on! And on your way you'll find out just how great Reggie's Ice Cream is. Stock up. Hey, don't worry. It's only a bad dream....... BOYYYYY! Additional Credits to : id (the guys who made DOOM!) (in no particular Joe Pantuso (Renegade DoomEd v2.86) order) David Moller (NewWADtool v1.3) Colin Reed (Doom BSP Node Builder v1.2) Guido Struben (Music Sculptor 1.7) Oliver Montanuy (Wintex 4.1) Don Coscarelli (thanks for PHANTASM) Michael Baldwin, Bill Thornbury, Angus Scrimm (for their superb voice talents) Bro-Man Dan Schulte (who also loves PHANTASM and respects a man named Reggie) And many others who brought the movie PHANTASM to life. ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : DOOM 2 Level # : Level 1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Not implemented New Sounds : Yes New Graphics : Yes New Music : Yes Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used in : Renegade Graphics DoomEd, NewWADTool v1.3 original version Editor(s) used in : Wintex (it rules!), DCK 3.61, Paintshop Pro 3.11, the new version Music Sculptor 1.7 (for the midi) Known Bugs : None that I know of. Build Time : You DON'T wanna know. (40? 50 hours? Hell, I don't know.) * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. Well, actually I can't stop you. But watch out for the wrath of the Tall Man.... You MAY and are encouraged to distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: N/A BBS numbers: N/A Other: Internet Miscellaneous WAD info: I hope you enjoy this WAD. I tried to give it that PHANTASM-ic atmosphere, and hope I've succeeded, but I'd like to hear any input from anyone who plays this WAD, the good, the bad, and the ugly. It's a fairly large WAD, and in creating it, the thing just kind of got out of control. Anyone familiar with the PHANTASM movies will definitely recognize some definite PHANTASM-ic areas within the Tall Man's Domain. As tempting as it is to tell you what they are, you've gotta find out on your own. I created this WAD on a 486-DX2 66 8MB machine and it works fine. I haven't tested it on anything else yet, so I don't know how this WAD may play on a slower machine or one with less memory (like you have one.) Enjoy, and kick the Tall Man's ASS.