___ ___________ \ \/\/ / \ _| \ /\ / : \ |_ \/ \/\__|__/___| -=>We aRe iNSaNe PRoDuCTioNZ<=- Presents... DySToPia! =============================================================================== Title: DySToPia Filename: DYSTOPIA.WAD Zip File: WAI-DYST.ZIP Release Date: 01/16/97 Author(s): ZeRo CooL & Obsidian Additional Help: N/A =============================================================================== Email: ZeRo CooL: zero.cool@aztechnet.com (or) kayin@hotmail.com Obsidian: obsidian@aztechnet.com =============================================================================== Description: No no no, W.A.I. isn't dead, we aren't even a group! It's just a label for ZeRo CooL & Obsidian to release wads. Anywayz, here is an awesome 3-4 player DeathMatch wad me & Obsidian made up. I made this one up in a week and for my first original wad, it came out damn good. I think it has everything a DeathMatch level should have and a good design, and atmosphere. Thanx to Obsidian for replacing the sky, music, and sounds. Sorry for re-using most of the sounds from the last wad, but we like them so damn much we couldn't resist rehashing them, sorry bout that. Enjoy... =============================================================================== =>Play Information<= Game: DOOM II Level: 01 Type of Level: DeathMatch Single Player: Yea I guess, to check it out and find the secrets! Cooperative 2-4 Player: Imposible... Deathmatch 2-4 Player: Yes, that would be nice...=) 3-4 Player recommended. Difficulty Settings: Not used... New Sounds: Yea! REHASHED SOUNDS FROM LAST WAD! YEA! YEA! New Graphics: The Sky... New Music: Yes, a good midi (is that possible?) Demos Replaced: None =>Construction<= Base: From scratch! Build Time: One human week. Editor(s) used: DCK v3.61 Utilities used: MIDI2MUS, & WinTex Known Bugs: None =>Copyright / Permissions<= DON'T modify this wad file without our permission, if ya wanna see something done to it, e-mail us! You can upload this wad and text file where ever the hell you want as long as nothing is modified...and if your gonna use this in a CDROM/DISK retail package or a in WAD ask us first! Thanks! =>Credits<= Level Design: ZeRo CooL Graphics: Sky, Obsidian Music Author: Nobuo Uematsu Music: Obsidian, Richard, ZeRo CooL Sounds: Obsidian Additional Ideas: Obsidian =>BBS numbers<= Kall The Gaming Center! 1-305-655-0414. Free Internet access, free multi-player gaming, 40 lines, 5 telnet lines at aztechnet.com and more! KALL!