TIME2DIE TIME2DIE TIME2DIE TIME2DIE TIME2DIE TIME2DIE TIME2DIE TIME2DIE :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Title: Sins-T2D.WAD Author: Jerms E-Mail Address: Jerms13@aol.com Description: This is a nice sized wad, and has a tricky way to get to the bfg. The bfg is in a room where you can see it only through 5 bars. To eliminate these bars you must hit 5 switches which are contained throughout the level. But beware, in this same room there are many ditches in the ground, if you were to fall in one of these ditches, shoot the walls like crazy... every wall. One by one the ditches will lift up and hopefully the ditch you are in will lift up as well. But, if you were to use your ammo all up without escaping the ditch, then you can safely say that you are dead, all you would have left is a fist to fight against a lucky opponent that can safely penetrate you to get an easy frag. GOOD LUCK! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *Play Information* Episode + Level: Doom2, Map1 Single player: Yes Co-op 2-4 Player: No Deathmatch 2-4 Player: Yes Difficulty Settings: Not implemented New Sounds: No New Graphics: No New Music: Yes Demos Replaced: none *Construction* Base: Made from scratch Editors Used: Dck2.2F Known Bugs: none known *COPYRIGHTS* NOBODY, AND I REPEAT NOBODY ON SJ DWANGO MAY USE THE TEAMNAME TIME2DIE W/O PERMISSION FROM JERMS. IF YOU DECIDE TO NOT ABIDE BY THIS LAW, YOU SHALL BE PUNISHED IN A DEATHMATCH TO 100 YOU MAY DISTRIBUTE THIS FILE IN ANY FORMAT, BBS. DISK, CD, ETC. AS LONG AS YOU INCLUDE THE FILE INTACT. *WHERE TO GET THIS WAD* GET THIS WAD FROM FTP.CDROM.COM, THE DWANGO BBS, 408-522-7348, OR 408-522-7302 YOU MAY ALSO GET THIS WAD FROM AOL OTHER WADS MADE BY ME: 1.TIME2DIE.WAD 2.SS-T2D.WAD 3.DARK-T2D.WAD 4.666-T2D.WAD