================================================================ Title : PUEBLO2.WAD Author : Mike Panico Email Address : mpanico@bga.com Description : This is a Doom2 port of Tom Neff's great Doom1 deathmatch level Pueblo. I tried to keep the flavor of the original. All the custom textures used in Pueblo2 were created by Tom for the orginal Pueblo level. The general layout of the level is also Tom's from the original. The changes I made were to increase the flow during gameplay, and to add some sounds. The changes include: - Adding creaking door sound. - Added music (Nine Inch Nails) - Added new weapon sounds for chaingun and rocket launcher. - Added Arnold's T2 commentary during some events. - Widened all areas so that it wasn't so constrictive except the outside area which I cut down by a third. - Added teleporters so that game flow would increase, and to eliminate players from "Holeing up" in the back room. - Eliminated one hallway and set of doors, again to increase the speed of the game. - Fixed a minor bug which allowed rockets and plasma to be swallowed up by the outside wall in the courtyard area. The results are that there are no safe cubby holes in this level. It's either hunt or be hunted. This level is intense, especially with 4 players, but not so ridiculous that all you have to do is fire a spread in ordinance in a general direction to get a kill like so many levels are popular for. Major Credits to : Tom Neff for creating the original Pueblo.wad for Doom1, and for agreeing to let me port it to Doom2. Other Credits to : My beta testers and deathmatch victims who make such great cannon fodder. Brian Nelson (aka. Sable) Virgil Itliong (aka. Madman) Keith Johnston (aka. Zonker) Note* - Check out Virgil's excellent Doom2 deathmatch wad CHURCH on ftp.cdrom.com. Other wads by the author: STOKER2 for Doom2 available on ftp.cdrom.com. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : map01 Single Player : Yes. (Look around) Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes. (Only to eliminate an editor warning message). Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes. This level is made for deathmatch. With 3 or 4 players I recommend that altdeath not be used. You won't live long enough to pick up the regenerated weapons anyway. Difficulty Settings : Yes. The easy levels have more health and less ammo. Skill levels 4 and 5 have more ammo and less health. These levels should have more ordinance flying around to make them more dangerous. The plasma gun and BFG are also in skill levels 4 and 5, but there is no additional ammo available for them, so save their use for a special victim! New Demos : No New Graphics : Yes (All by Tom Neff) -- do you like the oven? New Sounds : Yes. I created the creaking door and Arnold commentary sounds. The chaingun sound I got from another wad. I e-mailed the author, but he got it from another wad. I have no idea who originally created it. I couldn't help using it since it is by far the best chaingun sound I've heard. The same is true for the rocket launcher sound. New Music : Yes. I got this from nin.wad which is a music only wad. It had no text file therefore I can't give the author his/her due credit. However, thanks to the nin.wad author whoever you are. * Construction * Base : Tom Neff's Doom1 level -- Pueblo.wad. Editor(s) used : DCK v2.2, NWT v1.03, IDBSP Known Bugs : None. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact, and you distribute it free of any charge. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com Online Services: America Online