MINDPHK2.WAD - a Deathmatch-only level for DOOM II. This is a 'legalized' version of MINDPHUK.ZIP - the ONLY change has been to remove the unmodified DOOM2 sprite graphics copyrighted by id Software. WARNINGS -------- This wad: a) MUST be played with monsters enabled b) contains replacement sprites, so you'll either need to: (i) use a source port with sprite and multiplayer support (ZDoom, Legacy, etc.); or (ii) if you want to use 'Plain Vanilla' Doom2, you'll have to add the missing sprites to mindphk2.wad using DeuSF (or similar). For example: deusf -as mindphk2.wad c) is very crappy by Y2K standards :( ...but with the removal of the illegal sprites it's only 1/3 as crappy as it was (418KB compared with 1.3MB). Or to put it another way... 1/3 the disappointment that you downloaded it ;) The original text file follows: ======================================================================= MindPhuk was design by hdrambo and built by vengence.. to get the full effect of the wad play it with mosters on skill 5.. thanks FormatC