There is another version of HeadAche floating around that has a rocket gulping wall in it. If two seemingly alike versions of HeadAche have consistency failures, it is likely that one is using this old version. ================================================================ Title : HEADACHE.WAD Author : Mackey McCandlish Email Address : Misc. Author Info : Author of the One Must Fall strategy guide. Creator of DOOM MUST FALL (DOOM total conversion patch), Diversions playtester. Look for me in #DOOM in IRC. Description : A great 1 on 1 (or 2 on 2) Deathmatch wad for DOOM2. Takes a couple minutes to get used to, but the depth is there. Additional Credits to : The DEU team, of course, and Brian Hess for helping me test it. Additional credits go to the #doom gang, particularly FunkyBoss for testing it with me (he did the LD call!) and Slug and Scooby for offering some insight. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : MAP01 Single Player : Yes, good for practicing, I suppose. This is a Deathmatch level though! Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, but only if its 2 on 2 deathmatch style cooperative. Deathmatch 2-4 Player : This is what its MEANT for! Rocks!! Difficulty Settings : Yes! Very important: Practice in one player on skills 1-3, but if you're gonna Deathmatch someone, up the skill to 4 (5's the best!) and take on your friends while the Stomper brothers pick you off from the distance! I can guarantee you won't be stopping for breath! New Sounds : Naw.. New Graphics : I should of, I really should, but this was my first DOOM _2_ level, and I wanted to use their textures. Demos Replaced : Not yet.. * Comments * Headache has a lot of strong points: Running for a weapon opens you up for attack (some more than others), its not too hard to lose your opponent and sneak up on him, and the BFG isn't AS useful here (A) You have to get hurt to get it, and B) There's lots of places to hide). Also, I prefer to play with good ol' -Deathmatch here 'cause I'm not one for multiple megasphere charge ups, but its there for those who like it that way. Oh, and the "bridge" is a GREAT place to jump in with a surprise rocket flurry. * Construction * Base : A couple minutes doodling in AP Gov't. Build Time : An hour one day, some testing, and an hour the next. Editor(s) used : DEU5.21GC!!! Yes, besides for the floors (done all with WADED), this WAD was made completely with good old "DOOM 1 only" DEU5.21 with some creative use of WAD1to2. Known Bugs : None, and the textures are aligned well. * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. If the file is to be added to a CD collection or any collection of sorts, please e-mail me before hand at