DooM 2                                                                 V2.5


File Name:
Wad Name: Desikration 2000
Author: Stealthy Ivan 
Web page:

Description: The final version... Three death match levels built with the best
             quality. There action packed and kick ass. The first level
             is from the original, but the rest are brand new! These levels
             are not really big, but they are very detailed and fun! 
             Now enough bull shit about my wad.... go play it !!


Play Info:
Single Player:      No, unless you have no friends
Death Match:        Yes
Co-op:              No
Diff Settings:      No
New Graphics:       Yes
New Music:          No
New Textures:       No
New Guns:           No

Other wads Hells Fury/Team Asphix has made: Marsbase.wad                       

Team Asphix Productions is:   Stealthy Ivan

Editors Used: DeeP,Deutex31 and Deutex36
              Paint Shop Pro 5 for graphics editing

Special Thanks To: id software, the makers of doom editor deep,
                   my deathmatch buddys for testing, Team Hells Fury, 
                   Team Asphix, and to any one who still enjoys DooM...!

Distribution: This wad may be distributed freely as long as this txt
              is included. You may not change this wad in any way....
              All credits must be given to us.

Team Asphix (C) 2000 <--- and people say doom is dead...( I Say fuck them.)

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