Title: Daemon3.wad
Author: S. S.
On IRC: DarkNite  
E-mail address: scotty@dodgenet.com


       *-=-=-Levels were designed for OLD DEATHMATCH, SKILL 5-=-=-*

        *WAD info*
   Editors used: All levels were made with WinDEU and DCK22
   Base: Each level was from scratch.
   Known bugs: None know, Please E-mail me if you find any.
   New Texture: No
   New Sprites: No
   New Music: No
   New Sounds: No

        *Play Info*
   Maps replaced: MAP01
   Demos replaced: None
   Single player: No
   Co-op 2-4: Nope 
   DeathMatch 2-4: Yeah!  Great for 2-4 players.
   DeathTag: Nada
   Monsters: Nope
   Difficulty setting: No always play on SKILL 5 in OldDeathmatch.

      Special thanks to: ID software for the awesome game! 
       ** Copyrights / Permissions **
   Authors MAY NOT use any of these levels to build addition levels.

   You MAY distribute Daemon3.wad provided you include this TXT file.
                        With NO modifications!

   You MAY distribute Daemon3.wad in any electronic format (BBS,Disk,CD,etc.)
                Provided you include this TXT file intact.
   Please send me any 2-4 player .LMP's 

       T H A N K S  F O R  P L A Y I N G  N a T a S . W a D