============================================================================== Happy Napalm Software Presents A Chainsaw Production Chainsaw's Evil Death Match v3.0 ============================================================================== Title : Chainsaw's Evil Death Match v3.0 Filename : CSEDMV3.WAD Publisher : Happy Napalm Software Author : Chainsaw Email Address : chainsaw@sys532.chatlink.com Send me mail, I wanna know what you think. I don't get nearly as much mail on my levels as I do about DOOM Gore. Tell me how much you love it or hate it. Misc. Author Info : I'm only the creator of the BEST DOOM add-on, DOOM Gore... Description : This is yet another upgrade in the CSEVIL series, and it is the best, so far... Lots of new places to go and explore. VERY awesome Death Match. Every room links into the main room, plus another room, so there are NO dead ends, which greatly enhances Death Match. There's like, a two player exit, so you can't beat it alone. The first part is behind the BFG staircase in a room. That switch will lower a lift which is behind a door near the rotating body pillar. In there, is a switch which opens the exit door, which is marked by a sign. The first (or another player) must then go in the room and hit the almighty switch. If you want to beat it in single player mode, there is a secret passage into the exit, which is blocked by torches in multi-player. This will probably be the last upgrade of this level in terms of major map changes, but a new version made for DOOM Gore v3.0 will be out soon... Additional Credits to : id Software, all my supporters, Kris, my beta tester and Death Match opponent, Tom, my other beta tester and Happy Napalm co-worker, the makers of DEU, the makers of BSP for Windows, and everyone who plays and enjoys my levels. ============================================================================== * Play Information * Game : DOOM 2 Compatible Game Versions: 1.666, 1.7, 1.7a, 1.8, 1.9(Use 1.9 to see demo) Map/Episode and Level # : Map01 Single Player : Yes. Play it by yourself first, then kick your friends' asses. Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, but I really don't see why. Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes. Yes. Oh, yes! Difficulty Settings : Yes, well, sorta. There's a enemy spawn thingie in here. Set it on Ultra-Violence or Nightmare to use it. Anything else to avoid it. New Sounds : No New Graphics : No (USE DOOM GORE! USE DOOM GORE! USE DOOM GORE!) New Music : No Demos Replaced : Yeah. It's huge. This will reveal all the secrets, so don't watch it if you like to be surprised. It'll also let you see how to use each room and why it's so important, you know, in case you need to write a report on this level, or something. The demo is for use with v1.9 ONLY. It's external, so it won't mess up the PWAD if you have a different version. * Construction * Base : Modified level based on CSEVILDM and CSEDMV2. (Those were my own, I don't rip off other people's levels...) Editor(s) used : DEU v5.3 Beta 9 Known Bugs : Well, due to the vast amount of sectors, anything goes, from slowdown to mirrors to random crashes, but it's totally random and is pretty good about it, so you probably won't notice any. Anyway, I found a mirror a couple days ago and fixed it, so I think I got 'em all out of it. There's probably no more bugs in it. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: Not yet, but soon ALL my stuff will be on ftp.cdrom.com ... BBS numbers: Umm, like upload it EVRYWHERE. Other: Soon to be on the Happy Napalm Home Page... more on this later... * Disclaimer * If it does something bad, remember this: IT'S NOT OUR FAULT. -Prepare for the Napalm Revolution.