Here is my new wad,ABRAXAS.wad.I made it with edmap 1.31 took about 45 min to complete, has hangar18 from megadeth as music,and is one DAMN GOOD WAD (hehe).You may play the shit out this level but don't edit it ,leave it as it is! Enjoy. midiguy Also check out my WWW page at Where you will find my dwango page and a page dedicated to my wads,also one on music and midi.Use a www browser like microsoft's or netscape,my pages were designed for them.It may looked funked up if viewed with another browser. .:' `:. ::' `:: :: :. .: :: `:. `:. . .:' .:' `::. `:: ! ::' .::' `::.`::. .' ! `. .::'.::' `:. `::::'':!:``::::' ::' :'*:::. .:' ! `:. .:::*`: :: HHH::. ` ! ' .::HHH :: ::: `H TH::. `!' .::HT H' ::: ::.. `THHH:`: :':HHHT' ..:: `:: `T: `. .' :T' ::' `:. . : : . .:' `::' `::' :' .`. . .'. `: :' ::. .:: `: :' `::: :::' `: `. `` '' .' :`...........': ` :`. .': ' `: `"""' :'