=========================================================================== Archive Maintainer : This is an update (Feb. 15, 2011) that fixes a rare bug which could prevent 100% Kills, and adds some extra health on Hurt Me Plenty and Hey, Not Too Rough. Please replace the version currently on the archives with this version. Update to : levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/year_23.zip Advanced engine needed : Boom-compatible source ports with an increased SEGS limit (PrBoom+ -complevel 9 or Eternity Engine v3.39.20 "Resheph" recommended) Primary purpose : Single play =========================================================================== Title : Year 23 -The Belly of the Beast- [v1.1] Filename : YEAR_23.WAD Release date : December 22, 2010 [v1.1: February 15, 2011] Author : Eric "The Green Herring" Baker Email Address : eabaker@san.rr.com Other Files By Author : Community Chest 3 (MAP08/15/16/27/32, etc.), Year 21 -The Vanishing Point-, 32in24-6 (MAP07/13/28), 32in24-7 (MAP04/13), Diet 32in24 (MAP02/16), Plutonia 2 (music), 32in4-8 (MAP21), SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation #21 (MAP02), Claustrophobia 1024 (MAP01/MAP06), Maps From Memory (E1M3), The Fireworks Factory, Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation #21 (MAP04), Greenwar II (MAP31 detailing,) 32in24-9 (MAP02/MAP20/MAP30), Year 22 -A Rock and a Hard Place-, Quadruple Threat (southern area,) Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation #24 (MAP09), 32in24-10 (MAP03/MAP28) Misc. Author Info : A student. Not related to Nick Baker. Description : Good God! After that struggle in the canyon, it feels like a year's gone by! You stand over the corpses of five zombies, drenched in the blood and guts of all who opposed you. In that tiny, cavernous room, the only other opening you see is a tunnel that stretches off into darkness. Taking a deep breath, you descend the craggy passage, the torches blazing within the walls your only guide. After a short while, you can feel the air getting hotter -- and not just from the torches. When you see light again, the rock has become suspiciously red and black. You press on, feeling as if your skin was on the verge of combusting, until-- Well, wouldn't you know it? You've ended up in Hell! You could say this was just the inside of a volcano, but that doesn't explain the coloration of the rocks. Or the brown stalagmites up there. Or, for that matter, the fact that you haven't burst into flame from convection already. You turn around and try to head back, but as luck would have it, a wall shoots out of the ground and blocks you. You shrug, turn back to the stream of lava on the other end, and sit down. Just when you've started to think of fun things to do with demon intestines, stepping stones rise out of the lava. You pick yourself up, and proceed to jump from step to step, trying to see where the passage leads. The sad part? When you get back from all this, /no one/ is going to believe you. * * * The newest entry in the Year series, this is the sequel to Year 22 -A Rock and a Hard Place-. Consequently, it runs on MAP03. This time, I gave myself a development period of one week starting from my birthday, which was far more reasonable -- in theory, anyway. Unfortunately, mapper's block, coupled with life and other Doom projects, conspired to make this take most of the year to finish... /again./ Thankfully, I was able to get this done before the end of the year. Either way, I apologize for the wait. You'll also have to play this on something like PrBoom+ or Eternity this time; there are too many SEGS in this level for Boom to load it without crashing. Oh, well. Also, if you're using ZDoom (or any variant thereof) to play this, you can't use the jump or crouch buttons. Sorry, but you're not supposed to do those in this level. Anyway, it's a big level compared to the last one, and a rather tough one, at that -- at least on Ultra-Violence. I really mean it this time, too; there are /many/ devious traps, and if you begin the level from a pistol start, you'll have to get the berserk pack at the beginning. Trust me. In fact, if you're playing this for the first time and you're not skilled at Doom, I recommend you play it on Hurt Me Plenty instead. It might be a bit hard, but it's not as mean as it'll be on UV. Don't even /think/ of trying this on -fast or Nightmare if you value your sanity! Regardless, enjoy the level! Additional Credits to : Pascal vd Heiden (CodeImp) for creating Doom Builder 2; Super Jamie, Use3d, Qaatar, and dew for alpha-testing; Phml, ArmouredBlood, 40oz, Kate, hawkwind and Belial for beta-testing; Espi, Nick Baker, Eriance, the Darkening Team, and the Gothic Deathmatches I/II teams for some of the custom textures used in this level; id Software for making Doom (naturally;) and my friends and family for remaining awesome as always! =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 1 Sounds : No Music : Yes ("The Death and Return of Xavier Pontius"; started on October 16, 2009; finished on February 16, 2010) Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes (includes level titles for earlier Year WADs) Demos : No Other : No Other files required : None * Play Information * Game : Doom 2 Map # : MAP03 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : Player starts only Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Player starts only Other game styles : None Difficulty Settings : Yes * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : 9.5 months Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 2, SLumpEd, Paint Shop Pro 5, Anvil Studio, CleanWAD 1.54, WADptr 2.3 Known Bugs : In some parts of the level, you and the enemies may suddenly turn brighter when you run over certain platforms, even though the part of the platform you're on is darker. This is a side effect of a few of the lighting effects in the level, and there is nothing I can do about it. May Not Run With... : Doom2.exe, Boom.exe (too many SEGS,) or any source port that isn't Boom-compatible * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution. This PWAD contains select texture(s) and flat(s) that can originally be found in GothicDM or Gothic2. Credit and thanks go out to the artist(s) of said flat(s) and texture(s) and also to the rest of the Gothic Crew (1997/98). The ORIGINAL GothicDM(2).ZIP can be found at CDROM.COM. Each said PKZIP archive contains thirty-two professional quality levels and music. http://cdrom.com/pub/idgames/levels/doom2/deathmatch/megawads/gothicdm.zip http://cdrom.com/pub/idgames/levels/doom2/deathmatch/megawads/gothic2.zip * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors * Changelog * December 22, 2010 : Original release December 23, 2010 : Hotfix release * Fixes broken special effects (an incomplete texture change at the end, and an untagged decorative pillar.) * Fixes a switch that did not animate when pressed (in Section I.) February 15, 2011 : v1.1 release * Fixes a rare bug involving the first monster warpers in Section III which could prevent 100% Kills. * Adds some extra health on Hurt Me Plenty and (especially) Hey, Not Too Rough, mostly in the tougher sections of the level. (Ultra-Violence, however, remains unchanged.)