_ _ _ ____________________________ _ _ _ ____________________________ _ _ _ S h o r t ' n Q u i c k 2 _ ________ _ _ _ ______________________________ _ _ _ _______ _ Date Finished : 3 January 2003 Author : Varun Abhirama Krishna Homepage : http://varun87.tripod.com Email Address : anomaly87@yahoo.com Misc. Author Info : I'm 15 years old, and I'm from India. There's more about me at http://varun87.tripod.com Description : After all these months, I bring you my third map, Short 'n Quick 2 - and this time, it's not that Short 'n Quick :) The look of this level may remind you a bit of Christian Hansen's 'Flay the Obscene 3', but it's actually based on the look I planned for 'The Anomaly: Part III' (which I started long long ago, but never completed). But since flayobs3.wad also happens to be one of my favourite levels, certain elements here are inspired by that level (Great job Chris, on those levels!). The layout of the map is done in such a way that you can actually go ANYWHERE you want to and chose a route that you feel best. Some routes make the level more hard and some routes make it easier. The whole map is quite well interconnected, so you can play deathmatch too if you want to. But since I've never ever played DM or even designed a DM map, I don't know how good or bad this level is for DM. You decide :) Advanced engine needed : Requires any source port that removes VPOs and HOMs. Other WADs by me : (1) The Anomaly: Part II (2) Short 'n Quick Special Thanks to : Wim Vanrie and Opulent for beta-testing and very useful feedback. Karthik for testing the level at the lower skills and for general suggestions. You guys make me improve each time! _ ________ _ _ _ ______________________________ _ _ _ _______ _ _ _ _ ____________________________ _ _ _ ____________________________ _ _ _ -:.: Type of DOOM or DOOM II file :.:- New level WAD : Yes -:.: Play Information :.:- Episode and Level # : MAP01 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes, from dead easy to deadly :) New Sounds : No New Music : Yes - Dance of the Sugar Plum Lunatic by Mark Klem New Graphics : Yes - the Episode 1 sky Demos Replaced : No -:.: Construction :.:- Base : New level from scratch Build Time : 25 hours approximately Editor(s) used : DoomCAD 6.1, ZenNode 1.0.8, Wintex 4.3, XWE Known Bugs : There's a small visual bug with two of the grill textures, which I didn't know how to fix. But you probably won't even notice them :) May Not Run With... : Doom2.exe _ _ _ ____________________________ _ _ _ ____________________________ _ _ _ _ ________ _ _ _ ______________________________ _ _ _ _______ _ -:.: Copyright / Permissions :.:- Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. _ _ _ ____________________________ _ _ _ ____________________________ _ _ _ -:.: Where to get this WAD :.:- The usual: ftp://3darchives.in-span.net and mirrors Other: http://varun87.tripod.com _ _ _ ____________________________ _ _ _ ____________________________ _ _ _ [ End of file ]