=========================================================================== Advanced engine needed : pr-boom+ / zdoom / equivalent Primary purpose : Single play =========================================================================== Title : Stardate 20x7 Filename : sd20x7.wad Release date : 05/24/2017 Author : Ribbiks Email Address : [redacted] Other Files By Author : Sunlust, Swim With The Whales, Stardate 20x6, lots of other stuff Description : *** PLAY ON HMP/HNTR *** 9 Boom-compatible maps (i.e. prb+ cl9). Explore a mostly-purple world of villages, space bases, temples, and beyond!! These maps are really god damn hard. I put most of my time and effort into making HMP the intended difficulty setting, it's by far the most fun and balanced. Think of Stardate20x7's HMP as everyone else's UV. Similarly, HNTR was balanced to be comparable to other challenging mapsets on HMP. UV is NOT the intended way to play the levels on a first playthrough, but rather was intended to be a "bonus" setting reserved for hardcore sadomasochists that are already familiar with the maps and want pure challenge. Anyhow, this set is a mix of "casual" maps, cramped maps, and some slaughtermaps (surprise!). Good luck! *** PLAY ON HMP/HNTR *** Additional Credits to : Esselfortium for sexy textures! See textfile. =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 11 Sounds : Yes Music : Yes Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes Demos : Yes Other : No Other files required : None * Play Information * Game : Doom 2 Map # : 01-09 + 31-32 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : Designed for Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Other game styles : None Difficulty Settings : Yes * Construction * Base : New Build Time : A while Editor(s) used : DB2, Slade3 Known Bugs : Some slime trails, etc. May Not Run With : Ports other than... Tested With : prb+, Zdoom 2.8.1 * Copyright / Permissions * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. If you do so, you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.gamers.org/pub/idgames/ and mirrors ================================================================================ // MAP01: Sun/Moon/Stars \\ ================================================================================ Music: "The Journey" by Kafiolet, rearranged by Ribbiks. See Note ## About: A leisurely camping getaway with your heterosexual life-partner Chris is abruptly cut short by a gaggle of imps. When you come to you find the town isn't quite how you remember it... ================================================================================ // MAP02: Eastern Sun \\ ================================================================================ Music: "Eastern Sun" by SeraphSnake About: Your adventure lands you in a cavernous grassy complex ornamented with mysterious bits of technological riffraff. There must be something going on under the surface... ================================================================================ // MAP03: Amethyst III \\ ================================================================================ Music: "Funky Stars" by Quasar of Sanxion, sequenced by James Paddock About: Launched into space! Specifically, to the prequel of "Amethyst 4: In Space" and perhaps "Amethyst: In The Hood" later down the line. It's a cramped and tightly interwoven space station, chock full of bring-your-cpu-to-a-crawl decor. A brief affair. ================================================================================ // MAP04: Velvet Blood Mission \\ ================================================================================ Music: "Psylocke Theme" from X-men Mutant Apocalypse, rearranged by Ribbiks About: Welcome to the blood bank, Senator Trent. ================================================================================ // MAP05: Sphinx Rising \\ ================================================================================ Music: "Arcadia, Arcadia Demade" by John Weekly (PRIMEVAL) About: An ominous tech-complex ensconced in the violet core of an alien planet, where the rocks are bleeding... ================================================================================ // MAP06: The Other Side \\ ================================================================================ Music: "Ivor Tower" from the game "Secret of Evermore" About: You seemed to have slipped into another dimension entirely. Mysterious techno-ruins adrift in an ocean of Ribena. Proto- slaughter set-pieces aplenty, you know the drill... ================================================================================ // MAP07: Lotus Keep \\ ================================================================================ Music: "Collosia, Chamber 2" from the game "Secret of Evermore" About: A cramped and prickly sequence of hair-triggered skirmishes stuffed into the windy innards of a dark alien temple. ================================================================================ // MAP08: Grand Ballroom \\ ================================================================================ Music: Midi rendition of "Abyss" by DJ Taka, rearranged by Ribbiks About: A hardcore frolic in an expansive pandimensional dance hall. ================================================================================ // MAP09: Do You Believe? \\ ================================================================================ Music: "It's in C-minor too?" by Ribbiks About: You've reached the HEART of it all. The usual suspects line the walls of this twisted menagerie of slaughter set-pieces and nonsensical puzzles. Do you believe? ================================================================================ // MAP31: Hopscotch \\ ================================================================================ Music: "Ocean" from the game Vectorman About: The files are inside the computer. ================================================================================ // MAP32: Issai Perfect \\ ================================================================================ Music: "Think About Me" - Artful Dodger / "Manoria Cathedral" from the game Crono Trigger About: A brief hunk of slaughter. A partial reinvisioning of an old map of mine called "cg.wad" that probably no one has played. ## MAP01 Midi: This midi is a frankenstein rearrangement of an interesting composition called "The Journey" by the user Kafiolet over on Ultimate Guitar forums. I edited it without his permission, I'm a bad person, my apologies. As consolation here's a link to the forum thread where I ripped the song: http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1615822 Textures: ========= - Esselfortium: Sexy base textures - 40oz: For some recolored UAC Ultra assets - NiGHTMARE: Resources from his "Hellish texture pack" - Here's the obligatory list that accompanies any cc4-tex assets: ---- NiGHTMARE ---- Espi ---- Eriance ---- Fredrik Johansson ---- Janitor ---- DaGGeR ---- Ola Bjorling ---- Vader ---- XDelusion ---- esselfortium ---- RottKing ---- Nuxius ---- Afterglow ---- AgentSpork ---- RottKing ---- Enjay ---- Huy Pham ---- SargeBaldy ---- Tormentor667 ---- The GothicDM Team ---- The Requiem Team ---- The Eternal Doom Team ---- id Software ---- Raven Software ---- Rogue Entertainment ---- 3D Realms Entertainment ---- LucasArts ---- H. R. Giger (converted by Stephen Renton) Playtesting: ============ - Dannebubinga - Killer5 - Demonologist - rdwpa - Cynical - Phml - Archi