=========================================================================== Advanced engine needed : ZDaemon Primary purpose : ZDaemon Rocket Jumping, Coop or Single =========================================================================== Title : RJSLOTH Filename : rjsloth12.wad Release date : August 15, 2008 Author : TimeOfDeath (Chris Balch) and Morrison Email Address : thelastbreathofthedying@yahoo.com Other Files By Author : Drown in Blood (dib28a) map01,03,04,05,09,22,23, 26,27,28 2sector map07 sloth rjsloth masterjumps map06 (co-author) SMEDLEY SQUANE chips19 (Chip's Challenge remake) FLANAGAN dekutree (Zelda remake) LOINK TOM19 sloth0409 uuhhtod SLUT (Half-Life Decay remake) BUMP av20mem Misc. Author Info : 27 years old myspace.com/timeofdeath timeofdeath.wrvids.com youtube.com/timeofdeath video.yahoo.com/people/5525124 mariokart64.com/smknonnbt/chrisbalchntsc.htm mariokart64.com/smk/profile.php?pid=191 Description : This is a rocket jumping wad designed for ZDaemon rocket jumping behaviour with default gravity and no air control. MAP02 was originally made in November 2006, before the new superjump techniques were developed. MAP06 was originally made in 2007 for Morrison's masterjumps.wad. The map was his idea and we each built our own sections. In the exit room there are teleporters that take you to each section of the map. The GATE3 teleporters take you to a section that Morrison built. The GATE2 teleporters take you to a section that I built. Morrison built the exit section and I built the starting section. In 2008 I did some updates to the map, like higher jumps and an intermission section with a cyberdemon after you complete each jumping section. Also, after you spend about 100 seconds in one section, it becomes easier (a floor lowers so you don't have to jump as high). MAP10 was made in 2008 and is a modified version of MAP02. After the new superjump techniques were discovered, MAP02 became less difficult. So, I made every jump higher and added some stuff (including the plasma gun, but it's possible to max this map using only the rocket launcher). Morrison helped with some scripting. Additional Credits to : id Software - Authors of the ports and programs I use - Morrison for the genius idea of putting lifts at teleporter destinations so players don't get stuck - EarthQuake for the dehacked - id Software and Afterglow for q1tex.wad - TeamTNT for the key textures in retres.wad - All of the rjumpers and rjump mappers - =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 3 Sounds : No Music : midi from map20 in scythe2.wad midi from map30 in doom2.wad Graphics : A couple Quake textures from q1tex.wad Key textures from retres.wad Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes Demos : go to doomedsda.us * Play Information * Game : Doom 2 Map # : MAP02,06,10 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : Designed for Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Yes - if you fall in the void in map02, you'll get teleported further back on the harder difficulties * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 1.66, XWE Known Bugs : May Not Run With... : * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use these maps as a base for modification, as long as you give credit. You MAY distribute this file for free, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors Web sites: http://timeofdeath.wrvids.com