psxmansion.Wad info ================================================= Title: The Mansion Wad Title: psxmansion.wad Files Included: None Port Version: Boom, Prboom, Legacy, Zdoom, Eternity, or MBF. Author(s): Samuel Villarreal, Midway INC. Email: -or- Tools Used: Deepsea 11.6, Photoshop, EPSXE Base: Converted. Bugs: its not 100% accurate, but close enough. :) Other wads by author: DSV.wad, Blackness.wad, War_3.wad, Demon Sancuary 2, DSV 4 Credits: Id software, Midway INC and the Doom community. Site: Http:// Special Thanks to: Randy Estrella, Danny Lewis, and Tim Heydelaar since they are the authors of the psx levels ================================================ *play information* ================================================ Level# : map31 Single Player : yes Coop-op : yes deathmatch : yes new gfx : yes (new metal switch found in PSXDoom and chain sprite) new sfx : no new music : yes (Watch Your Step midi conversion by Mike Barrette) Build time : 4 days ================================================ *Note* ================================================ This wad is based off of Map58 from PSXDoom. This is a secret level thats pretty short, and has another secret exit leading to Club Doom (not in this wad). This level was pretty easy to convert EXCEPT for the room with the soul sphere. Trying to get the room and the hallways while trying to keep the teleporters aligned was extremly difficult, and I had to "rig" some parts in the map, to keep all textures aligned as its psx counterpart. I tried copying everything in this level including texture unalignments right down to the thing placements and directions. There are coop and deathmatch support as well. Those who play it on coop will find more monsters and a cyberdemon. Deathmatch is also supported. This map makes a great speedrun challenge because of its size and monster placements. I suggest giving that a shot! And try to beat my time of 2:33 on speedrun through Ultra Violence! I plan on making a "Zdoom" featured version soon with colored lights and the infamous "music" from the PSXDoom version. =============================================== *Disclamer* =============================================== I am not trying to rip no companys off, nor say that I made this map myself. I did copied it by playing the PSX version while taking in game screenshots of the automap. I do not distribute this file nor any other wads that I create. This wad must require the full version of Doom2 to play. =============================================== *Permissions* =============================================== Since this is really not my level, you may modify it yourself and post it for download, but since I did went through the trouble to convert this map, I would appriciate if you mention my name as the oringinal converter of this map. As for modifying this map, you may only to improve my mistakes, or change textures. ADDING A SENSELESS AMOUNT OF CYBERDEMONS OR ANY OTHER MONSTERS THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE MAP THEN RELEASING IT OR EVEN SHARING IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!!! =============================================== *Author's Note on The Mansion* =============================================== This level is really creative, lots of well placed textures and declorations really make this map stand out. This has to be one of my most favorite levels ever in Doom, thus is why I decided to convert it to PC Doom. There were some unalignments that was made on purpose, and some 64 length textures like the panel texture in the halls were given the stretch effect to fit the wall length. These were found in the PSX version. One 72 length wall with a stretch texture is found near the dark room with the invisosphere, one near the chainsaw and 2 near the soul sphere. I made some "stretched" textures to rig some of the walls that I could'nt seem to fit, but it solves the problem. My converted version really isn't 100% accurate but its damn close to the PSX map itself. This wad can be runned on Vanilla Doom2 but tends to crash when the player views the new sprites. Jdoom can run this map as well, but will not treat the new switch very nicely. Anyways I suggest you have fun with this map and this map also makes a great replacement with Wolfenstein and Grosse. The Mansion Level Statistics Things 368 Vertices 1199 Linedefs 1507 Sidedefs 2107 Sectors 231 Segs 2408 SSectors 698 Nodes 697 Reject 6671 Blockmap 7750 ============================================== PSX Version(c)1995 Midway PC Version(c)2002 Aug 20, 2002, Samuel Villarreal