=========================================================================== Archive Maintainer : Update to : Advanced engine needed : ZDoom Primary purpose : Single play =========================================================================== Title : scourge Filename : SCOURGE.WAD Release date : Author : James 'Phobus' Cresswell Email Address : james@mpcressy.com Other Files By Author : There's a couple of small ones on the zdoom forums Misc. Author Info : Hangs around ZDoom forums Description : An 'interesting' wad which (unintentionally) shows off the learning curve I've been through in the last 4 years. It's got a very loose story centred around a 'Hell on Earth' sort of theme, just from a more civilian viewpoint. This is now on v1.2, but only the zdoom forumers would have got the original release(s). The main story is that you are coming home from work one day, when there is an earthquake just as you get off of the train at the subway station. You rush home, unaware that you've dropped your house key. You get to the door and all seems a bit silent. A bullet hits the wall so you run into the bus shelter and pull out your gun. Somethings not right here... Additional Credits to : Id games, Randy Heit (Zdoom), the makers of all of the editors I used and Hank Leukart (for the Hacker's guide to Doom, a great start point). My brothers for testing the wad and providing some ideas when I got stuck. Also a special thanks to the zdoom forumers who played my initial release, for their feedback and advice on changes for the current version. =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 23 (Including the credmap) Sounds : No Music : No Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : No Demos : No Other : This text file Other files required : Aside from the obvious, none * Play Information * Game : DOOM2 Map # : MAP01 - MAP21, MAP31 and CREDMAP Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : Player Starts are there Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Player starts are there Other game styles : No Difficulty Settings : Yes (though the differences are not very big in some levels) *Additional Play Information* All of the maps can be won from a pistol start, so if you don't like the earlier maps, thats not a problem. That also means that you can build up a big ammo stockpile if you play all the way through. You'll need ZDoom mainly because of the secret level and CREDMAP, though there are a few other little things, such as the MAPINFO lump and Decorate monster. MAP01-MAP06: These are advanced newb in style, so you may be a bit dissapointed by the architecture and/or gameplay. I was trying, but I appear to have been under a rock for a while. MAP07-MAP17: These are better than the aforementioned. They play better, have better architecture, and a few of them were actually limited by DEU2's various restrictions, as you go through you should notice some real improvements. MAP18-MAP21: I got DB here, so the levels are a lot bigger than the others and there is more improving. MAP31: This level is quite differnt from the others. Gameplay-wise I've tried to emulate the style of the others (fast action for the most part with warp-ins and simple puzzles), but the architecture, detailing and use of ZDoom capabilities is so much more than before in this one. It features my hidden Decorate monster a few times in varying environments. CREDMAP: My scripted credits map. It shows all of the monsters in a small unique environment, allowing you to watch them walk around a bit and attack, then kill them pressing the use key. Some monsters in the CREDMAP are special credits monsters, made to remove unwanted behaviour, such as gibbing. The only Doom as Hexen format map in the whole wad, and the only thing you do is press the use key to see the next monster :P (Please Note that CREDMAP is not a special ZDoom lump, but merely the name I'm working under for the credits) * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : Over 2 years, on and off (mainly off...) Editor(s) used : (Originally) DEU 2, NWT and DeHackEd, but around about MAP18 I got DoomBuilder and XWE and have used them for the rest of the mapping and resource managing Known Bugs : None May Not Run With... : Anything other than ZDoom * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors Web sites: www.cricketers.gb.com/james/ FTP sites: