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Advanced engine needed : Zdoom =========================================================================== Title : Mock 2: The Speed of Stupid Filename : MOCK2.WAD Release date : TODAYY Authorz : Hyena SoM Quasar Ebola Lu-Wang Schepe Fredrik Csäbö Deathz0r SargeBaldy Torn Lüt Jackass Cyb Nanami AirRaid Ultimate Doomer Zarcyb Description : It is the end of the clone wars of the 52nd century. All of humans is happy but the evil monsters of Hell come to kill everyone. Uh oh. Look like Doom guy need to save the day again. Additional Credits to : !nyne!! Slige (I won't post the URL cause I'm a basrad.) Shaviro (He made hyena.mid) John Romero (He was going to be our beta-tester, but then he wasn't.) =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : Yah Sounds : Yes Music : Yes Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : Probably (not sure) Demos : No (dont know how to work teh demo) Other : Yes Sex : $5 ********************TEHE MAPS EPISODE ONE1: TEH GREATEST DOOM MAP01 - "In Defence of Demonsex" by SoM MAP02 - "Somebody Set Up Us The Bomb" by Hyena MAP03 - "Fortress of Moooo!" by Quasar MAP04 - "Waterworld or Something" by Lu-Wang MAP05 - "Temple of DOOM LOL" by Schepe MAP06 - "Speaking of Stupid" by Hyena MAP07 - "SoM Did it!" by SoM MAP08 - "Right in the Crotch" by Hyena EPISODE 2WO: CYBERDEMON MADDNES MAP09 - "Ejipt" by Lüt MAP10 - "Little Grasshopper" by Schepe MAP11 - "The 'U' of Destruction" by Hyena MAP12 - "Unholy Eveilness" by Ebola & Slige MAP13 - "Orca" by Hyena MAP14 - "Tapeworms Suck Anii" by SoM MAP15 - "Mining Fecality" by Fredrik MAP16 - "Turn that Frown Upside Down" by SargeBaldy EPISODE THR33: TIME FOR HELL MAP17 - "Indiana Jones" by Deathz0r MAP18 - "Speedrunner's Nightmare" by Deathz0r MAP19 - "U Are A Fag" by Torn MAP20 - "Hell is Falling OH NO!" by Deathz0r MAP21 - "I am in Paradise" by Deathz0r MAP22 - "Uh, Carnie?" by Nanami MAP23 - "The Electric Duck Experience" by AirRaid MAP24 - "Blue Radishes with Herpes" by Zarcyb EPISODE 4OR: SHOWDOWN OF EVLI MAP25 - "Hookerville County" by Fredrik MAP26 - "Unhappy Meal" by SargeBaldy and Nanami MAP27 - "teh texoic dep0t in the forest of retardz" by Torn MAP28 - "" by Jackass MAP29 - "Bambi's Mom is Dead" by Hyena MAP30 - "The Final Destruction" by Hyena SECKRET MAPPS MAP31 - "Rectum Rectum Rectum" by Hyena MAP32 - "Enough of These Could Clog an Emu" by Hyena MAP33 - "The 33rd level. Ph33r." by Hyena MAP34 - "Vowel" by Hyena MAP35 - "Insulting your intelligence" by Hyena MAP36 - "OMG COUNTERSTRIKE" by Deathz0r MAP37 - "Four or Five Portals" by Hyena MAP38 - "Cybmock" by Cyb MAP39 - "Foggy Furze" by Ultimate Doomer MAP40 - "A Bridge Too Far" by Ultimate Doomer CREDITS MAP41 - "HYBRID" by Hyena, Schepe, Torn, SargeBaldy, Nanami, AirRaid, Ultimate Doomer, Deathz0r, and Fredrik. ********************Music TITLE - "Snot Eater" by Hyena -- MAP01 - "Guitar Blast" by Hyena MAP02 - "Berthed in Urine" by Hyena MAP03 - "Best Dom Rok Snog" by Csäbö MAP04 - "Psycho Playground" by Hyena MAP05 - "Tom's Ripoff of Mario3" by Hyena MAP06 - "Ungrateful Baboons" by Hyena MAP07 - "Repulsively" by Hyena MAP08 - "Thor's Oatmeal" by Hyena MAP09 - "Transform all Suffering into F" by Lüt MAP10 - "Dangerous Pez" by Hyena MAP11 - "Hide This!" by Hyena MAP12 - "Double Penis Surgery" by Hyena MAP13 - "Key One" by Hyena MAP14 - "Hippo Bike" by Fredrik (Note: Hippo Bike's tempo was drastically slowed down. I think it sounds funnier this way.) MAP15 - "Stinkburt" by Hyena MAP16 - "Turn it around" by Hyena MAP17 - What do you think it is? MAP18 - "Blackened Lederhosen" by Hyena MAP19 - "Much too scary" by Hyena MAP20 - "Fairies Flying out of Fredrik's Ass" by Hyena MAP21 - "Teh Suck" by Deathz0r MAP22 - "Crapcarn" by Hyena MAP23 - "Ode to AirRaid" by Hyena MAP24 - "Tom's Repetitive Ripoff of Mario1" by Hyena MAP25 - "Hookerville National Anthem" by Hyena MAP26 - Some annoying McDonalds midi that SargeBaldy found on the internet MAP27 - "The Storm of Torn" by Hyena MAP28 - "Baron Killer" or "Tom's Ripoff of Castlevania" as sung by the Baron of Hell Choir of Death MAP29 - "Let Me Tell You A Story" by Hyena MAP30 - "Bestest Dom Rok Snog" by Csäbö MAP31 - "Clouds of Flatulence" by Hyena MAP32 - "The Clue - Lullaby" by !nyne!! (it's a band, sorta) MAP33 - "Ph33r the Oboeman" by Hyena MAP34 - "Tom's Ripoff of Mario2" by Hyena MAP35 - "Nerd Police" by Hyena MAP35 BONUS GAME MUSIC - "Beyond Ugly" by Hyena (See if you can strain your feeble mind in hopes of finding this game) MAP36 - OMG BRITNEY SPEARS by Deathz0r MAP37 - "Shaviro" by Hyena MAP38 - "Boomwhacka" by Hyena MAP39 - "Hyena" by Shaviro MAP40 - Attack of the Killer Tomatoes -- INTERMISSION - "Dude" by Hyena STORY - "Nintendo Sex" by Hyena TEH SECRET STORY MUSIC (before map38) - "BURF: The continuing mission" by Hyena HYBRID/CREDIT MUSIC - "Supar doom 2 doom mix!" by Deathz0r -- * Play Information * Game : DOOM2 Map # : MAP01-MAP40 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : Designed for Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Designed for Other game styles : Designed for Difficulty Settings : Prehaps but only 1337 p33ps play UV And dont cheet cause well kick yor ass Fun trivia : BURF actually stands for the Bionic Unipedal Robot Fighter. * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : It took liek a hole bunch of hours Editor(s) used : All maps maid wiht WADOXX 32.4 Known Bugs : Waht is bug?? :) lol ^_^ ROFL LMAO O_O 3Y3 4M 1337 May Not Run With... : Warcraft II Battle.net Edition Best Batman Movie : Batman Worst Batman Movie : Batman & Robin * Copyright / Permissions * Authors (MAY/may NOT) use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file. (delete one of these two paragraphs:) You MAY not distribute this file in any format. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution. You MAY urinate on your computer in small controlled bursts without risk of permanent hard drive failure, however it is recommended that any such activity take place on the keyboard and nowhere near the CPU. Never urinate onto an exposed hard drive without authorization and supervision of a trained computer technician. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors Web sites: http://hyena.slipgate.org/mock2/ FTP sites: ftp://no