Archive Maintainer : This is another update to my recently uploaded file It contains minor fixes and changes. Please replace the original njol with this version. Thank you. =========================================================================== ATTENTION: It is your own interests to read the further description and gameplay notes below. =========================================================================== Advanced engine needed : Yes - GZdoom 0.9.21 or later required Primary purpose : Single play =========================================================================== Title : Operation Overlord (revision b) Filename : njol.wad Release date : January 2006 Author : Enjay Email Address : Other Files By Author : Quite a few. Misc. Author Info : He's not that interesting. Description : A level with a different take on Doom engine gameplay. Additional Credits to : Anonone for the modified engine that made an initial release possible. Graf Zahl for GZdoom - especially for adding ducking which makes this release possible. Jack Vermeulen for DeePsea, making making it possible. Nash for the mounted chaingun render/sprite. Scuba Steve - a few sprites from Action Doom. Grubber for the MoHAA style compass script (via Apotherm's ACS database thread on Weapons resource WAD for showing me a few things. Boingo the Clown for the sprites that I used as a base for the prisoners. All the people who have helped me via various forums there is a good chance something you helped me with has ended up in here in some way or another. =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 1 Sounds : Yes, quite a few Music : Yes - MOD format. Graphics : Yes, quite a few Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes Decorate : Yes Demos : No Other : No Other files required : All in the Zip * Play Information * Game : DOOM2 Map # : Map1 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Other game styles : None Difficulty Settings : Yes * Construction * Base : From scratch Build Time : about 4 days. It took longer to convert from a private project to a public release than it took to make in the first place. Editor(s) used : DeePSea, Paint Shop Pro., Deluxe Paint, DEHACKED, Textpad, Goldwave, ModPlugTracker Known Bugs : None known May Not Run With... : Anything other than GZdoom 0.9.21 and later and a fairly fast computer (the starting area will bring old, slow computers to a crawl). =========================================================================== * Further description and gameplay notes * * Background * This is a level I did for a friend as part of our personal TC. He specifically requested a level where he "could do lots of sniping, hide behind stuff and fight enemies in depth positions where the enemies do not chase you all over the level". Well, he got what he wanted. As to whether this type of gameplay suits anyone else - who knows? The level has been taken almost directly from the TC but has been "Doomified". i.e. the TC weapons (bar one) are not present and the whole thing has been set up slightly differently. I thought about making it like a "Marine Assault 2" because the weapons and feel are similar, but I wanted try and convert some of the TC enemies to DECORATE rather than their original dehacked. The enemies are "Incas" or "Incanese". These are from the A personal Role playing scenario. In the year 2386, the Inca Free Republic attacked Britain without warning, against all treaties and breaking many years of peace on planet Earth. The IFR is far from free, however, they are a fascist dictatorship with unworldly connections to greater powers. None of that should be taken to infer any prejudice against present day South American countries. It's just a story - nothing to do with the real world. Of course this is all irrelevant to "Operation Overlord" because I have made it for a UAC marine rather than the a British Galactic Police Association (BGPA) officer from the original TC. Why did I go for the Incas rather than making it a more obvious WWII German mod? I had the Inca sprites already, the level was set up for them, I wanted to use modern/ futuristic weapons and why not? That's how the original was made. :P * Running * :As usual, Unzip the files into and run with the -file parameter. However, for the first section of the level I HIGHLY recommend setting up an alias to zoom in on targets as a lot of the enemies are far away and you are provided with a railgun to snipe at them. If you want to use my alias, I have included a file "njol.cfg" you can start the game using gzdoom +exec njol.cfg (or use the batch file if you have unzipped into your GZdoom directory) This will automatically load the WAD and set up a zooming alias. If you do this, you should hit the X button in game to set your preferred crosshair (I have included a few new ones). If you do not do this, your crosshair will get messed up when you zoom in. Once that is done, you will then be able to hit "Insert", "Home" and "PgUp" to toggle 2x, 5x and 12x zooming. the "End" button resets to normal view. These buttons can be re-configured via the menu. * Gameplay Notes * :Crouching and Jumping in this level are not only allowed, they are highly recommended, if not essential. This is not intended to be a typical Doom level. You are supposed to sneak up the beach using the cover provided whilst sniping at the enemies. If that isn't to your taste, you probably won't like this mod. It wasn't made for you anyway. :P Seriously, just running in and blasting away will get you killed. * The sections * :There are kind-of 3 sections to the level: the initial beach assault, the trenches and towers and the final bunker complex. The beach area is the area where you will have to go cautiously. Use the beach defences to hide from enemy fire, pop out, snap off a shot and get back in cover. Once you clear the beach, there is a quick dash across a minefield which is covered by heavy machine-gun fire. You can shoot the machine gunners but it won't be long before they get reinforced. Once you have passed the minefield (the music will change) the machine gunners will no longer get reinforced and you can go back and kill them permanently if you want. The trenches and towers are more traditional Doom gameplay in style but you will still need to keep your wits about you because there are lots of machine gunners in defended alcoves. At the top of each tower is a key. You can go into the towers in any order you wish. The bunker complex is a repetitive room to room clearing operation. You may or may not enjoy it, but it's exactly what my friend asked for, so he got it. * Special Equipment * :In overlord, you can find 2 inventory items: Grenades and Portable Health packs Grenades come as single pick-ups or in boxes of 5. Some enemies also drop them. To use, ready them in the inventory and hit enter. Grenades (except the ones dropped by enemies) can always be picked up but the maximum inventory amount is 25. If you are carrying 25, do not pick any up until you have used some otherwise the pickup will be wasted. Portable Health Packs are identifiable by the green cross on them. In stead of being used instantly, they get added to your inventory and will give you up to 25% health back as and when you choose to use it. * New Weapons * The BFG has been changed to a rail gun. This allows the sniping which is quite important for this level and the old BFG behaviour is not so useful. A DECORATE Thompson has been added. It's really an Easter Egg as much as anything else. Clearly this level is inspired by WWII games like MoHAA so it was a bit of fun to add a Thompson. It's no shabby weapon though and is probably a slightly more powerful weapon than the chaingun. =========================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * Because some of the resources in here are not mine (see additional credits above), I cannot give my usual "do what you like with it". Anything that is mine, you are free to use. If it is someone else's, then you really should be asking them. With that in mind... Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * Idgames Archive