=========================================================================== Archive Maintainer : N/A Update to : N/A Advanced engine needed : EDGE 1.31 Primary purpose : Single Play, Weapons and gameplay mod =========================================================================== Title : Lock and Load v.5 Work In Progress Filename : lnl5w.wad Release date : Author : pilotobombadier Email Address : pilottobombadier@yahoo.ca Other Files By Author : The whole Lock and Load series. Misc. Author Info : I really don't care about realism. Description : Weapon and gameplay modification with some lesser RPG aspects. There are 20 character levels that are reachable. Each grants you more powerful melee, a higher health maximum that you can regenerate to and more ammo. Some levels will grant improved weapons, as well. Weapons: Slot 1) Knife Standard issue combat knife Stealth Knife Secondary attack: Stealth field Given to you at Level 4, secondary attack activates a short Partial Invisibility powerup. As you level up, it will improve, and at certain plateaus will give you a longer powerup. Slot 2) Magnum Clipsize: 7 rounds Standard issue pistol; quite powerful but small magazine capacity Dual-wield Magnums Clipsize: 14 rounds Upgrades over single; behaves as upgrade Dual-wield Magnums, Extended magazine Clipsize 24 Rds. Upgrades Dual-wield Magnums. Slot 3) Tactical Machine Pistol Clipsize: 40 rounds High rate of fire, low damage. Dual-wielded Tactical Machine Pistols Clipsize: 80 rounds upgrades over single, doubled rate of fire. Slot 3) Riot Shotgun Clipsize: 8 rounds, secondary fire - Airburst Shell Pump-action shotgun, quite powerful. Secondary attack fires a shrapnel bomb that detonates in mid-air. Automatic Shotgun Clipsize: 10 rounds Less powerful than the pump shotgun, larger spray, much more damage over time, though due to its higher rate of fire. Terrible at long range. Automatic Shotgun, Extended Clip Clipsize: 20 rds. Earned at level 15, upgrades Automatic Shotgun Slot 4) Assault Rifle Clipsize 30 rounds, secondary fire Sniper Shot, Zoom Good rate of fire, good damage. Has a zoom scope, and secondary fire will kill all humanoids in a single shot Flechette Rifle Clipsize 50 rounds, secondary fire - Grenade Launcher Clipsize 5 rounds A little more powerful than the assault rifle, but fires overpenetrating projectiles that explode on impact. Grenades are fired on an arch with a bit of bouncy goodness Enhanced Flechette Rifle Clipsize 50 rds. Secondary fire - Shrapnel Grenade launcher Secondary Clipsize 5 rds. Earned at level 20, grants more powerful shots and the grenades unleash shrapnel in a circular pattern. Upgrades Flechette Rifle Slot 5) Rocket Launcher Secondary fire - Incendiary rocket Primary fire is pretty standard stuff, although the rocket now travels much faster. Secondary attack is a very powerful incendiary explosive that burns for several seconds Slot 6) Minigun Secondary fire - higher rate of fire Has two fire rates, normal (~600 RPM) and high (~1300 RPM). Features wind-up and spin-down and the primary attack can be re-initiated instantly on the spin-down (thanks Dartmerc!) Slot 7) Flamethrower It is what it is, it overpenetrates through enemies and does pretty serious damage, but only at close range Slot 8) Plasma Rifle Secondary fire - spread-shot Fires volatile orbs of energy at a high fire rate or a spray of ten of them for secondary attack; all shots do splash damage. Railgun Clipsize 15 rounds Secondary fire - EMP blast The railgun fires three over-penetrating metal slugs per second that cause enough damage to kill most base monsters in one hit. The secondary attack taps into the plasma battery for a devastating EMP attack that will destroy or severely injure cybernetic opponents, but is completely useless against organic oponents. Additional Credits to : Scuba Steve Browning, NMN,Tormentor667, Lexus Aylus, The Doom 2.5 team and Aidan McGinley, Marty Valenti and Allroy and iD software. Special thanks to Dartmerc, Ajapted and Lobo. =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : N/A Sounds : Yes Music : No Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : No Demos : No Other : Yes / No (describe if yes) Other files required : EDGE 1.29 and up and its associated wadfile and system files and of course a Doom IWAD. * Play Information * Game : Doom / Doom2 (Best played with Doom 2 or Final Doom) Map # : (For DOOM2 maps, format is Mapxx. Others are ExMx.) Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Other game styles : N/A Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : Lots and lots of stuff Build Time : ~ 2 months total Editor(s) used : Wintex 5.-something or other, Wordpad, XWE, Paint, PSP Known Bugs : If you run out of ammo with the minigun using secondary fire, it won't spin-down and you have to manually deselect it. Other than that, any bugs in EDGE 1.31 that already exist will apply. May Not Run With : Vanilla, Boom, ZDoom or any version of EDGE below 1.31 Tested With : EDGE 1.31 * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this file as a base for modification or reuse . Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution.